Buffalord Soldier

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Selene's POV

Crystal and I were doing patrol on a beautiful evening. "Alpha quadrant checks out. Nothing but water and..." but I was cut off when Crystal roared. "Look there!" She roared and I saw a boat. "Let's get a closer look," I told her and she quickly flew towards the boat. Upon flying closer, I saw it was an old hunter boat. "I don't like the smell of this place," Crystal snarled. "I don't either, but we need to investigate. If this has anything to do with Viggo, we need to look," I told Crystal. I grabbed my sword and signaled Crystal to be ready for an ambush. We walked around the top of the ship and nothing. "Seems to be abandoned. Let's vacate," I told her, but then there was a scream coming from the inside of the ship. "Hello?" I called out but nothing. I walked into the cabin and through some halls to see pale-green men. "No," I muttered, but then a pale-green arm raised up, and scratched me. "Ahh!!" I screamed and quickly ran out of the cabin. "Are you ok!?" Crystal roared, and started sniffing me. "It's ok, sis. And I'm fine," I told her, and quickly covered the scratch with my hand. I didn't want to worry Crystal. I then climbed onto her back  and we flew back to the Edge. Upon arriving, we flew to the clubhouse and saw Hiccup and Fishlegs. "Selene," Hiccup smiled and walked over to me. I just frowned, still covering my scratch. My lover immediately noticed something was wrong. "Is everything alright? Did you see something on patrol?" He asked me. I merely nodded my head with a sad look. "Hunters? Trapped dragons? Viggo?" Fishlegs asked me and I saw he was wearing the Deathsong Amber glasses Hiccup and I had been working on. Tuffnut then appeared and thought this was a game.

Crystal glared at him, signaling him to shut up. And he did, thank Thor. "I found a fishing boat," I told them and walked into the clubhouse and sat down, holding my head. I was feeling extremely nauseous and dizzy. "Anything else?" I heard Astrid ask and saw her and my sister walk in the clubhouse. They've been getting really close lately, and I think they fancy one another. "It was just drifting out there. We went to take a closer look, but what we saw inside was..." I couldn't finish my sentence. What I saw was awful. "Was what?" Snotlout asked me with fear in his voice. I took a deep breath, "bodies. Skin was all pale and green. Crystal and I got out of there as fast as we could." Fishlegs then asked if there were any survivors. "One, but it's too late," I told them, trying not to faint right now. Fishlegs then listed the things I saw and I knew where he was going with it. "Yeah, Fishlegs. I think that sickness, the Scourge of Odin, was on that boat," I told the boy. Crystal nuzzled against me. "Whoa, love! Let's not just throw those words around too loosely, because..." Hiccup was cut off when Snotlout started to panic. "Wait, did you just say "Scourge of Odin"?" Hiccup told everyone to calm down, but Snotlout was still panicking like crazy. "Right no need to panic. It's just the Scourge of Odin. Just the plague that tore through the archipelago centuries ago, wiping out entire Viking villages! Yeah, why would we worry about that?" Snotlout asked the last part sarcastically. Snotlout then told Hookfang that he needed a mask to cover his mouth. "Snotlout, you can't get the Scourge of Odin by inhalation. You can only get it by physically contact. And Selene got out of there before that could happen, right?" She asked me and I lied, nodding my head. "And besides, there hasn't been a single case of the Scourge of Odin for centuries," Hiccup stated as he put his hands on my shoulders. "Are you alright, m'lady?" Hiccup asked me. "I'm fine. I just want to go lie down," I told him. He nodded his head and I walked out of the clubhouse and to my hut. I lied down for the rest of the day, but by night, I could feel the sickness starting to get a hold of me. I was coughing like mad. "Selene?" I heard Lillian ask me. I opened my eyes and saw the silhouette of my sister, Crystal and Sandstorm. I heard my little sister gasp. "You did get hurt! Crystal go get Hiccup!" She told my dragon sister. "Way ahead of you!" She roared and flew out towards my lover's hut. "You'll be ok," Lillian told me. I saw her put a cloth in some water and then wronged it out and put it on my head.

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