"No"Jack stood in front of me protectively

Where he come from?!

"Sorry?"he said to Jack

"No sorry no number she's my little sister and I just heard that conversation you don't follow someone that's so fucking wired mate"he said bluntly i just let Jack battle this one because he wasn't getting my number and no way am I dealing with the confrontation I hate it

"Dude you're sister is a pretty girl I'd take it as a compliment darling if-"he said trying to touch me

"No"i said scared backing away

"Fuck off!"Jack said instantly after me

"Alright Jeeze don't think you get laid with brother like that"he said walking off Jack watched him til he was far away and he looked at me to see if I was okay but it's a bit awkward since last time I saw him we argued

"Thanks"i said as reassurance

"Part of me wanted him ti carry on so you gave him you're number so you can forget about Conor but he was wired"he joked but part of him wasn't joking I sighed

"Let's just go get a coffee dickhead"I said walking in front of him and headed to the coffee shop Jack got a latte and I got an iced Carmel latte and we sat down

"Go on then what's you're side of the story"i said

"We spoke about things we really did and we still are but you can't just expect to meet up with me and Conor in the same place and all of you randomly leave so I picked up some stuff at his that was mine that he found and I saw that photo"I started to say

"Yeah but that just a photo of us three on holiday"he said confused

"Yes Jack good memories! Listen if you broke up with Lilly and 6 months later you saw her and memories came flashing back the good ones you're telling me you would just stay quite"I said he fell silent

"I guess I never thought about it in your shoes but what else did you talk about?"he asked

"I said how much he hurt me and they was a moment between us like you said picture it in my shoes I can't just sit there and pretend like our feelings have fully gone but what I can do to help is forgive and not forget"I said

"You mean?-...what?"he started to say confused

"What I mean is conor said he's sorry countless of times to me and all of you and the boys so am I going to throw away like 6 or 7 years of a relationship no and then the next morning I did see that hoodie and I felt guilty lying to you so when I saw he made me breakfast we carried on talking and I spoke about the hoodie and got upset and hr grabbed it and started cutting it up and throwing it in the bin"i said

"Wait really?"he said

"Yes! And then I wanted to talk about how I feel guilty about lying to you but then you walked in..."I said and sighed it was quite I could see on my best friends face he felt bad and finding the right words to say

"Right I love you and conor so much okay and I'd never wanna throw a good relationship I had with Conor but if it means arguing with you I feel stuck but I wanna make things right with you because you've done nothing wrong but me and Conor weather you like it or not we still wanna talk and we've got lots more to work out before we even consider getting back together"I explained

"Yeh I know! Look I'm sorry eves like i just care about you and you are right you was both together for a really long time and if you're not jumping back into things then it's cool but I do need to talk to conor"he said I smiled

"Thank you and if I annoyed you I am sorry but this is my life and if it ends up being a mistake then it's my fault"I said he nodded

"No I know and you don't have to be sorry"he said i lightly smiled

Next day...
Conor pov
I was chilling at my desk working on new up coming music for my covers and I kept checking my phone to see if Evie would reply she did she was busy but it's been few days since I last saw her and yeh we've messaged but we aren't together and it's scares me if she's just going to have second thoughts and I hear the door go of my apartment I pulled a face of confusion and a minute later

"Writing your next love song to Evie"I hear my bother voice I rolled my eyes behind his back before I face him

"You just you're opinions to yourself because I don't wanna argue mate"i said moodily

"I haven't come to argue I've come to make peace"he said

"Right?"I say confused

"Look I spoke to Evie yesterday and you said you spoke about things and still are and it's obvious you both still love each other and I've realised it's not my place to have an a opinion this early on"he said

"This early on? You shouldn't even have an option at all mate"I laughed

"Well if you tried borderline cheating again then think everyone would have something to say"he said I looked away

He does have a point but it's not going to happen I know it

"Well that won't happen so don't worry yourself because I really care about her I always have and I made a stupid mistake and I'm going to make it up to her"i said he smiled

"Yea I know"he said I smiled

"So what you seeing her today or not like last time you saw her was the other day?"Jack said

"Yeh I wanna ask she wanna come round or I'll go to hers but she isn't reply to my texts"i mumbled to check my phone again

"Mate she tell you about the guy yesterday?"Jack said I looked at him

"What fucking guy?"I said quite bluntly

"Bro a guy followed her to the coffee shop when I met up with her but obviously I like told him to piss off"Jack said I laughed out of annoyance i mean Evie is an attractive girl but I do want weirdos like that coming up to her

"fucking weirdos are out for mate I swear"I said as I'm working on my computer

"Yeh she attracts weirdos"Jack said I looked at him he laughed and I laughed with him

"Anyways I'm working can you get out!"i said

"Fine fine! Maybe call Evie she normally answers her phone more than text lately, she hated all the tinder notifications I wonder if she delated it"Jack said teasing me I laughed

"Fuck off mate!"i said laughing with him

"Okay okay! But call her 100% she'll pick up"Jack said and left my apartment and heard the door shut and I look at my phone

Yeh fuck it I'll try

"Hello?"her sweet voice instantly picked up

"Hay you okay?"i said

"Yeh I'm fine just watching a film because I'm bored"she said

"Awh well you I was wondering if you wanna maybe meet up tonight we can go get a drink or you come to mine or I'll come to yours"I asked

"Awh if honestly love to but I don't know how late you're thinking because josh and liv are coming round in a few hours for some drinks"she said

"Josh and liv huh?"i said thinking they 100% going to get back together

"What?"she said flashing me out my thoughts

"Nothing nothing that sounds lovely I mean I can come by after if you're not too tired? Where do you live now?"I asked

"Chelsea in knightsbridge"she said

"Of course you do"I laughed

"I like it round there plus I work round there but I'll send you the details I might give you ring maybe they won't mind you coming round?"evie said

"Perfect"I said

"Okay! I'll see you later then hopefully"she said

"Okay take care, see later bye"i said and ended the call and I smiled

Perfect..Jack was right call her she picks up

Unholy -Conor Maynard fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now