7. a fucking pedophile?

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a/n: sorry for the slow updates!
also heads up for what's happening its been about like two months and finney and the others tries their best trying to look for robins as gwen kept giving them clues from her dreams. there also might be mistakes

robins p0v

as i fiddled with my fingers i look at the black phone again. i thought i heard him coming but it was a different voice much more higher. "albert where are my car keys!!" i quickly got up and and panted "HELP!" i shouted i banged on the door

"ALBERT WHAT WAS THAT?" the voice says "HELP ME!, PLEASE!" i say and kept banging on the door my screams turned into sobs i stopped trying cause there was no way that other person can hear me. i sat down on the mattress and wiped away my tears.

i go to the phone and dial finneys number again it ranged for a moment i guess i was to focused on the phone i didn't hear the door open. "HANG UP THE PHONE NOW!" the grabber says i look at him fearfully. i hanged up the phone and my eyes started to tear up

"what's your name?" he says sternly. i glared at him "alex. noah baker" I say which was a total lie. "wow. i was rly gonna let you out if you didn't lie robin." he says what the fuck.

he throws a newspaper at me as it says 'missing child. robin arellano' I put down the newspaper "do you know who i am?" he asked

"a fucking pedophile?" i say and glared at him once more he charged after me as i quickly go to the door that was open i notice a lock on the door and i quickly looked around his house i broke a window of his and ran as fast as i could i saw vance walking but then the grabber came with his van

"VANCE!" i screamed that caught his attention his eyes widen "ROBIN!" he says and runs over to me but i felt weak and couldn't run any more. i fell to the ground as the van appears "trying to escape?" he says i cried "VANCE HELP ME!" i screamed but he was in the other side he ran as fast as he can

the grabber tried getting me into his van as vance came behind him and punch him behind his head i heavily breath as vance kicked him and punch him but he grabbed vance wrist as that angered me i found some stick. i realized the phone was ripped off and i was holding it on my hand

i put the cord around the grabbers neck yeah it was a after noon i choked him as vance head bumped him it then sounded like his neck broke. guess i pulled to hard i let goo and we see the grabber there i quickly hugged vance "shh.. its okay" he says as he rubs his hand through my hair

"h-he touched me abusively.. u have bruises." i say in sobs he picked me up and ran to i think to his house we were now inside his room as he told me to rest i eventually fell asleep.

vance's p0v

i look at robin who was sleeping on my bed. jesus he had bruises on his wrist. why did that fucking pedophile do to you? i decided to call the others i dialed bruce number cause they were all over there and i had js left "hey bruce" i say "hey vance. any sign of robin?" he says "no." i say

"shit." he says and groans "we will find him." he says

"i didn't find any signs cause he's here with me." i say softly "what" bruce says "robin. i have him with me right now." i sat "we'll be right their right now!" bruce says as he quickly hangs up i put the phone back and waited they soon came well bruce came first some how. i open the door

he first kissed me then scans my house "wheres robin!?" finney says as he panicked coming thru my door as the two boys made it in. "in my room follow me" i say they followed me to my room as they see a sleeping robin "how'd you find him!?" griffen asked

"i was walking back to my house js when u left bruce's. i heard some one shout my name and i look to see it was robin running for dear fuckin life as a black van chased him and y'know stuff happened and i took him to my house." i say

"poor robin." billy says "can me and robin be alone? for a bit" finney says i nodded and everyone went outside well to the living room we js watch tv and tried getting our minds off things. i breathe heavily as bruce out his hand on my thigh and his head on my shoulder i look over at the other two gays

and i caught it they were asleep but cuddling each other "cute they are aren't they?" bruce says as he rubs my thigh up and down "yeah" i say softly he grabs my waist and sits me on his lap and kisses my cheek "i'm glad robin is here. i hate seeing finney miserable" bruce says as kisses my neck

"he hasn't eaten for like a week." i say worriedly "maybe since we found him he will eat again?" bruce says i nodded as he kisses me he goes to my neck as he sucks on it leaving a hickey as he starts rubing my thighs again and kisses my neck again

finney's p0v

as everyone leaves the room i close the door and lay next to robin as i hug his waist he started to wake up he quickly got up "f-finney?" he says as he smiled i nodded "robin!" i say and hugged him he hugged me back "i've missed you!" he says

he started to cry i couldn't help but hug him tightly we parted away from the hug as he looks at me with his beautiful eyes. my mind was goin crazy but i did something i never expected to happen i pulled him into a kiss it was a long sweet kiss he froze for a moment but after he kissed back

holy shit. i'm kissing robin. also know as my crush.. i melted into the kiss as i bit his bottom lip he didn't accept so i squeeze his thigh as he gasp and i slid my tongue in he hummed softly we parted away again

"finney.." he says i hugged him again "you're never helping anyone out ever again unless its your friends." i say "don't talk to strangers" i say he nodded "i wished you guys didn't make out on my bed" we turned around and see vance there leaning against his door frame

as bruce hugged him from behind kissing his neck "vance!!" i say as robin giggles

sorry this is short! BUT PLS GIVE ME IDEAS.

alcohol and cigarettes ||rinney!||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt