Hanamaki - Fetching Drunk Hanamaki (Fluff)

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I just can't get over the idea of how cute Hanamaki might be like when he is drunk.

Imagine y/n fetching drunk Hanamaki. On the way home, she saw Hanamaki silently leaning against the window without moving an inch, making her think that he is asleep. So she silently drives, not wanting to wake him up, but Hanamaki suddenly turned towards her and say, "You are my miracle," with a child-like grin.

This caused y/n to laugh softly as she replies, "Is this your way of thanking me for fetching you?"

However, her soft laugher ceased as blush bloomed all over her face at Hanamaki's next words as he fell asleep after. "It's a miracle when the person you love reciprocates your feelings. So to me, you are my miracle. I won't lose this miracle. I'll hold onto this miracle tightly and cherish it."

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