You danced with her

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The living room was enveloped in a warm glow as Jennie and you sat on the couch, comfortably wrapped in each other's presence. Your laughter and whispered conversations filled the air, creating a serene haven of love and affection. The bond between the both of you felt unbreakable, an unspoken understanding that transcended words.

Suddenly, Jennie sat up from the couch, eyes sparkling with excitement. With a mischievous smile, she goes to the vinyl record collection, a treasure trove of nostalgia and enchantment. Carefully, she selected a disc placed it gently onto the turntable. As the needle touched the grooves, a soft melody filled the air, casting a spell upon the room.

It was "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley, a timeless classic that had the power to transport hearts and souls. The soulful voice of Elvis resonated through the song, every note touching your hearts in the most tender of ways. You stood up from the couch and approached Jennie, reaching out your hand to gently guide hers to your shoulders.

With nervous smile, you began to sway to enchanting rhythm of the song. The music seemed to fade away as your bodies moved in perfect harmony, your steps dancing to a melody only could hear. In that moment, it felt as if time stood still, and you were the only two people in existence.

Jennie's eyes met yours, reflecting a mixture of vulnerability, and unspoken promises. Your bodies moved as one, flowing effortlessly together. The love between you radiated through every touch, every gentle movement, and every shared breath. You were completely lost in each other, surrendering yourselves to the music and the emotions it evoked.

The lyrics of the song echoed in the depths of your souls, touching upon the rawest corners of your hearts.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can't help falling in love with you."

Those words held a significance that went far beyond the end of the song. They were a testament to the depth and intensity of your love, a love that was unbreakable, unwavering.

As you swayed and spun around the room gently, you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of the moment. Jennie's warmth seeped into your very being, her touch melting any lingering insecurity or doubt. her embrace, you felt safe, cherished, and utterly loved. You had created your own little universe, a sanctuary where nothing else mattered but the love you two shared.

With each twirl dip, your connection seemed to grow stronger, deeper. The world around you faded into the background, leaving just the both of you and the music. The lyrics danced on your lips as you whispered them to each other, punctuating the tenderness of the moment. It was as if the universe itself was conspiring to immortalize this dance, this of pure bliss.

"I didn't know you have this cheesy side, Ms. Kim." you teased.

"I also didn't know my love. Maybe because your the one, I'm dancing with." she smiled at you.

As the song reach its end, your movements slowed, the final notes seeping into your souls. You stood there, your bodies pressed gently together, each breath a whisper of love in the silence's eyes sparkled with unspoken promises, her smile radiant with the knowledge that you had found something rare and precious.

"I have wished to stay in this moment, for the rest of my life." you pressed your forehead on hers.

"Me to my love." she spoke gently.

In that intimate embrace, time resumed its ticking, and the outside your little haven reappeared. But it was different now-you were different. Your dance had solidified the bond between you, confirming that your love was boundless, eternal.

As final strains of the song faded away, you held each other a little tighter, imprinting this moment in your hearts. And as you stood there, swaying in the afterglow the dance, you knew that no matter the challenges that lay ahead, you would always have each other, and the memory of this beautiful dance that forever changed your lives.

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