She comes home stressed out

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Clutching the phone in your hand like your life depends on it, you where
worried sick. The clock in the living room ticked loudly, the sound echoing through the empty house. It was past midnight, and you sat on the couch, anxiously waiting for Jennie to come home. She had promised to be back by ten, but two hours had already passed, and there was no sign of her. Worry twisted in the pit of your stomach, gnawing at your insides.

Earlier in the day, Jennie had mentioned that had a meeting with her agency. But as the minutes slowly turned into hours, doubts crept into your mind. Was she really at the agency, or was something else going on. Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, you decided to reach out to Teddy, her producer and a close friend. Your fingers trembled as you dialed his number, hoping he could answers to the questions that haunted you.

"Hello?" Teddy's voice sounded groggy, a grim indication you had woken him up.

"Teddy, it's me." you said, your voice filled with desperation.

"Is Jennie still at the agency? She's not home, and I'm really worried." it was laiced in your voice.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Teddy cleared his throat.

"No, she's not at the agency. She left hours ago. I assumed she was headed home." he ended with a sigh.

Your heart sank at Teddy words. If Jennie hadn't been at the agency, then where could she be? A torrent of questions welled up inside you, threatening to overwhelm your emotions.

As the front creaked open, your gaze snapped towards it, hope blossoming within you. Jennie stepped inside, exhaustion etched across her face. Without thinking, you blurted out

"Where were you? I thought you said you were at the agency, but Teddy said otherwise." with a frown written all over your face.

Jennie's eyes widened in surprise, her brows furrowing in a mix of guilt frustration.

"I...I went out for a walk. I needed some time alone to clear my head. I didn't mean to worry you." her shoulders slumped down.

Her explanation felt hollow, leaving you even more confused. You had always valued the open and honest communication you shared with Jennie, but her evasive response shattered the trust that had formed the foundation of your relationship.

"But you didn't tell me?" you demanded, your voice trembling with hurt.

"We promised to be honest with each other, remember? I don't understand why you had to lie." you hate to admit it but you just wanted to know the truth.

Her eyes welled up with tears, her voice shaky as she responded,

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm under so much stress lately, and I didn't want to burden you with it. I thought I could handle it on my own." she ended with a sigh.

The weight of her confession sunk into your heart, mingling with the pain you felt at her betrayal of trust. as you looked at her trembling form, the facade of strength crumbling before you, a wave of empathy washed over you. You realized that beneath her tough exterior, Jennie was vulnerable, struggling with the immense pressure of her career.

Silence enveloped the room, the tension thick and suffocating. Then, you took a deep breath, your voice filled both vulnerability and determination.

"Jennie, I understand that you're going through a lot, and I want to be there for you. But we can't build our relationship on lies no matter how small. Trust and honesty are the foundation that holds us together." you might be overdramatic at this point but the questions weighted upon you and your desperate for answers.

Jennie's tears spilled over, her voice choked with emotion.

"I'm sorry, I never wanted hurt you. I promise, from now on, I'll be honest with you, even when it's hard." she sniffed.

Her sincerity touched a part you. Despite the hurt, you realized the love you shared with Jennie was strong enough to weather this storm if both of you were willing to work through it.

With cautious steps, you closed the distance between you, wrapping arms around Jennie in a tender embrace. The weight of her head against your shoulder spoke volumes, a silent plea for forgiveness and understanding. In that moment, you knew that your love the fractures in your trust, as long as you worked together toward rebuilding what was broken.

As the night wore on, you held each other tight, partly in solace and partly a silent promise to each other to confront the challenges ahead. Love wasn't always about the joyous moments; it was also about weathering the storms together and emerging stronger on the other.

In the days and weeks that followed, you both put in the effort to mend the trust that had been fractured. Through open conversations and shared vulnerability, you began to rebuild the one that had been shaken. wasn't easy, but with each step forward, you felt the bond between you grow stronger.

And as you faced new obstacles together, you realized that your was resilient-capable of overcoming even the deepest wounds. Through the pain and uncertainty, you acknowledged that love required constant care, forgiveness, and a willingness to confront the truth, no how difficult.

Together, you set out on a path toward healing. With every act of honesty and every instance of understanding, you hoped to repair the bond that had kept you strong all-the bond that had the power to turn shattered trust into a renewed and unbreakable love.

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