She caught you eating to much sweets at the middle of the night

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It was cold and Jennie couldn't get much of the warm she needed she tossed and turn but to no avail it was no help, she stirred around to her sleep. Although the comforter was thick she still can't get the warm she wanted.

She opened her eyes blinking the sleep away, she patted the spot where you lay. She have fallen asleep few hours ago with your help. Jennie rub her eyes a few times to get her eyes stable in the dark room.

She got out of bed putting her sleepers on, she grabbed a blanket to rap around her small body to protect herself in the cold. She then got out of your shared bedroom on the way down the stairs, she heard the tv was still on. She frowned upon hearing the tv still on, she remembered turning it off before coming upstairs to cuddle up with you and get the sleep she needed.

When she got her way to the living room she saw a figure-your figure wrapped around with a blanket. She also heard a sound of plastic getting wrinkled, scrunching her nose she approached the couch where you sat in comfortably. She took a seat next to you causing you to look at her direction. She look at you sleepily, she then look at the screen of the television blinking the light was a bit bright for her tired eyes her vision still blury. You noticed how puffy her eyes still, you opened your arms for her to get in. She crawled to your arms with her blanket still wrapped around her body.

"You woke up from your sleep?" you ask her while looking at her side profile her cheeks looks softer and chubbier when she just woke up, smiled with the thought of poking it.

"Yeah, I woke up and it's cold. When I patted your side of our bed you ain't there so i thought why not look for you." she answered still with her raspy voice.

You hugged her with your blanket to make her feel warm, Jennie on the other hand was starting to close her eyes. Feeling it was about time you decided to bring out another bar of chocolate as you opened it the wrinkling sound was a bit loud that Jennie shot her eyes open. Jennie noticed some of the plastic wrappers scattered around the table she couldn't count it at all her vision still blury and some was on the floor. Looking up to you she frowned.

"That's to much sweet baby, you might get diabetes." she said raspily.

"Well I know that baby, I just can't sleep and im stressed out." you answered softly. You knew she would understand but knowing Jennie when it comes to your health she doesn't want risking it.

"Baby, you should have told me so I can help you out." she said turning her self to look at you directly, sleepiness still visible. You looked up to the walk clock and you saw that it was just two in the morning.

"I know love, I just don't want to burden you any further specially with your tight schedules. And I saw how you would come home tired." you dropped the nearly opened bar at the table and put your both hands at her back rubbing it.

"Baby, you never burden me not even once. You knew how important you are to me. You know that we also talk about this problems right?, even how tired I was I would still listen we would fix it together." she cooed her voice soft that you felt like anytime it would shatter you like a glass, she put her hand up and caress your cheek with her thumb. You feel the pad of her thumb brushes along your smooth skin. Nodding as you accept that she was right you lowers your head down, she then put her finger to your chin to make her look up to you.

"How about we sleep now?, Im still cold and I can see the dark circles under your eyes." she giggled, you kissed her forehead a few times before putting your face to her hair to inhale her shampoo. You just hummed in reply. Turning off the tv.

"We'll talk tomorrow for now take some rest." she stated, you both agreed.

And just like that the both of you fall asleep in the couch with that position you laying down, and your girlfriend laying on top of you nuzzling herself up to you to catch up in her sleep. You knew pretty well this was the type of stress reliever you needed after a few hard weeks, falling asleep in her arms. Leaving the chocolate bar there to melt, you doesn't care at all all you care about right now at this very moment was this woman infront of you. She's so warm and comfy to perfect to be at all. She's the closest thing to heaven you can have hugging her a bit tight giving her a few light squeeze. You soon fall asleep thinking how lucky you are to have her.

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