She comes home crying

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The moon hung low in the night sky as you prepared to retire for the day. You had finished your nightly routine and crawled into bed, looking forward to the warmth and comfort it offered. However, you st up again as your throat where dry needing a glass of water. But a nagging sensation tugged at the corners of your mind as you realized Jennie, your girlfriend, hadn't returned home yet. She have told you she would be out with the girls.

Curiosity gripped you, walking down into the hallway. The dimly lit passage seemed longer than usual as worry flooded your veins. With trepidation, You slowly make your way downstairs, your heart beating with each step. As you reached the bottom of the stairs, the sound of the front door creaking open pierced the silent air.

A gaunt and fragile figure emerged from the door, illuminated only by the porch light. It was Jennie. Tears streamed down her face, her usually radiant smile now replaced by anguish. You rushed to her side, enveloping her a comforting embrace, desperate to ease her pain.

"Oh my love, what happened?, Why are you crying?" you whispered, your voice laced with worry. She clung to you her sobs wracking her fragile frame, as she tried to regain her composure.

"The comments, the hate... It's just too much," she confessed, her voice barely above.

"I thought I could handle it, but it's getting harder and harder. I can't believe people can be so cruel." her voice starting to break.

You led her to the living room, guiding gently onto the couch. The weight of her pain hung heavy in the room as you sat beside her, your fingers lightly brushing away her tears. In that moment, You wished you could just hide her from the harsh realities of the world.

As the evening wore on, Jennie poured her heart out, sharing her struggles with the dark side of fame and the constant scrutiny she faced. She spoke of the image she had to maintain, the pressure to always be perfect, and the relentless messages of hate that flooded her social media accounts. Though she was adored by millions it was the vitriol of the few that pierced her soul.

Listening to her, Your heart ached. You had fallen in love with the strong, talented, and fearless Jennie, but behind that facade was somebody who was vulnerable and hurting. You couldn't fathom the pain she endured on a regular basis, the layers of insecurities she hid behind her smile

"You are so beautiful, Jennie, both inside and out," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity.

"Don't let these comments define you or determine your worth. They are from faceless strangers. What truly matters is the love and support of those who truly know you." you console her.

She looked at you, her eyes searching for solace and understanding.

"But it's hard not to take them to heart. They make me doubt myself, question my abilities. What if they're right?" she ended with an deep exhale, her breath hitched.

In that moment, You realized the power of your role as girlfriend. You had the ability to uplift her, remind her of her strength and worth. You took her delicate hands in yours, gazing deeply into her eyes.

"Jennie you are an incredible artist, a gifted performer. You touch the hearts of millions. Your talent transcends boundaries and brings people together. You have the ability to inspire and make a difference in the world. Don't let the insecurities that others project onto you diminish that light within you. I'll always be here for you, Jennie, no matter what" you murmured the last part.

"You're not alone in this. We'll face it together."

Her eyes shimmered with gratitude, though a flicker of doubt remained. But that's the journey towards self-acceptance and love would be a long one. But you where willing to walk that path with her, to be her unwavering support in a world that tried to tear her down.

As the night pressed on, You held Jennie close, soothing her with comforting words and gentle embraces. You talked about strategies for dealing with the negativity hate, ways to protect her mental well-being. You assured her that together you would navigate through the storm, and she would emerge stronger and more resilient.

That night, as you both went to sleep, You couldn't help but feel blessed. Jennie, with all her vulnerability and courage, had allowed you an entrance into her deepest realms. It was an honor and a cherished. From that moment forward, You vowed to be her rock, to shield her from the inevitable storms that lay ahead.

Together, with unwavering love and support, you and the insecurities that plagued her and prove that love could triumph over hate.

You held her closed as ever afraid that the world would break her sooner or later, this version of Jennie Kim is far from what they would often see on the screen this type of Jennie was more fragile than a glass and you promised to hold her as close as you can.

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