❰ 𝟏𝟔, 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❱

Start from the beginning

The girls were wearing shiny crop tops with shiny belts for their pants. Stacey was wearing blue and Lacey was Pink. Jacey was also Blue, in a simple suit with a bow tie

Bucky was wearing a shimmery pink jacket along with his pink pants and a white shirt. They made it to the entrance "After you" He chuckles before disbelief took over his features when he saw the Zombies and Werewolves "What's that?" His question made the Acey stop in their tracks and see what he was seeing "It's zombies!"

"And Werewolves," Jacey Added

"And Aurelia?" Bucky whispers to himself  when he saw his sister with the group

"In former wear?" Stacey crossed her arms as she glared at the group

"They look good," Lacey said earning glares from the other Aceys "You guys can't be here. There are laws against this" Bucky protested once the group made it in front of him and the Aceys

"Bad laws are meant to be broken," Zed said with a shrug "And monsters don't follow the rules," Zed brought out his hand down low, Eliza high-fiving it as she continued "Zombies are a part of Seabrook, Bucky and we deserve to be here" Eliza words only angered the new school president even more, his jaw clenching

"And we're a part of Seabrook too, the originals, in fact," Wyatt spoke up, with a smirk as he challenged Bucky. Aurelia looks at him and smiles as she looks back at Bucky. Bucky looked behind him to the Z-alarm "Someone's gotta stop you" Bucky huffed, going over to the alarm but both Aurelia and Willa stopped him. Aurelia grabbed his arm as Willa raised her claws and snarls at him causing Bucky to cower, Aurelia decided to speak up, "Don't ruin the fun for everyone else for your satisfaction," She warned

Bucky sighed, "Welcome to Prawn," Bucky said defeatedly, finally going inside the school with his minions. When the group of four went to the school, Willa started to cough behind Aurelia. She held onto her moonstone. Aurelia turned to her to check on her as Wyatt went beside his sister, Wyatt and Aurelia nodded at each other as he took his older sister inside. The wolves' and zombies appearance had caught everyone's attention. Everyone's eyes went to the large group that just entered the room where Prawn was being held, as the room quieted down "Bonzo!" Bree called out to the tall zombie waving her hand in the air excitedly to see him. Bonzo immediately went to her calling her name in zombie tongue. He stood in front of her looking down at the girl. He spoke in his language asking Bree to Prawn since he never got the chance to

Bree nodded her head, "Yes. I'll go to Prawn with you" She laughs as the two hugged. Bonzo lifted her off the ground.

Zed then walked in with Aurelia. The girl looked around the room, immediately spotting the white-haired girl from the crowd. Addison turns around from talking to some people, seeing the group. Aurelia pats Zed's arm getting his attention, Zed looks down at the short girl, and Aurelia looks up at him and pointed at Addison. He followed the direction where her fingers were pointing and saw Addison there, looking beautiful as ever. His eyes softens once they met eye to eye, and he started to walk his way to her. Addison meets him halfway

Aurelia watched the couple talk for some time and soon after started to dance. Aurelia smiled at them softly, happy that they made up. She started to walk towards where the drinks were. Wyatt was watching her the whole time, watching her watch Addison and Zed talk and dance with a small smile before disappearing from her spot. Wyatt squeezed his sister's shoulder before walking off following Aurelia to wherever she was going

Aurelia was pouring herself a drink, eating a snack she found as well. Wyatt appears beside her, and the girl felt a presence beside her making her look to the side seeing Wyatt "Hey, Wyatt" She smiled at him, and he smiled back at her showing her his fangs as a 'Hi' back. She took a sip hiding her smile as it got bigger "Hey.." Wyatt says back, his smile faltering a bit, this went unnoticed by Aurelia, She put her cup down and raised her eyebrows in confusion

SOMETHING THERE || Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now