Just then Louis stirs on the bed, his breathing picks up and he whines.

"Louis Hun, it's okay, you're okay sweetheart" Joanna tells him.

Louis eyes feel like led but he manages to open them slowly.

"Mum" he whispers croakily.

"I'm here honey just relax" Joanna says.

"Dad" Louis asks as he turns his head.

"I'm here Buddy, I'm right here" James says as he sheds a tear. Louis calling him dad and Joanna mum means everything.

"Hurts" Louis says as he tries to keep his eyes open, he's trying not to cry but his pain is so bad.

"Where are you sore kiddo" Andy asks as he assesses Louis vitals, noticing his pulse is spiking.

"Everywhere hurts" Louis says.

"Okay bud, I'll organise some pain relief for you okay, just try to relax" Andy tells him gently,

"Try to keep him calm, I'll go find Sammy, but he needs to slow his breathing" Andy tells everyone, he then goes in search of Sammy.

"Please make it stop hurting" Louis says as a tear escapes.

"Hey kiddo, I know it hurts but if you try to slow your breathing down, we can get something to help you hey" Drew says as he comes closer, he reaches out to run his hand through Louis hair.

Louis tries his best to calm down.

"Follow my breathing hey, slowly in and out Drew says, and Louis tries his best but he's getting worked up.

Everyone then looks to Harry and Scott to help; they are aching to be near Louis and to hold him.

They get up and make their way beside Louis, everyone stands back from the bed and Harry and Scott pull up a chair on either side and sit as close to Louis as they can.

"Darling, it's okay Harry and I are here now, just relax for us" Scott tells him gently as he runs his finger over Louis cheek gently.

"You need to relax your breathing for us, it's going to help you feel better okay" Harry tells him as he runs his hand through Louis hair.

"I can't, it hurts" Louis says upset as he reaches to pull out the oxygen in his nose.

"Hey hey hey, leave that baby, it's helping you" Scott says gently as he takes Louis hands in his before he can take the oxygen out.

"Come on baby, Shhhhh, just relax, you're safe" Harry says sweetly.

"Louis listens and tries his best to calm down, he focuses on Harry and Scott's gentle touches, and he falls asleep again before Sammy even makes it back to the room.


"He's going to be in pain for a while, it's all normal, we just have to manage it" Sammy tells everyone on day three when Louis is still in so much pain.

"He's sleeping a lot is that okay?" Drew asks.

"More than, we want him to sleep as much as he can so his body can recover, his body is doing what it needs to do" Sammy reassures.

"Thanks Sammy" Jo tells her.

"Of course, I'll be in when he wakes again" Sammy smiles and she walks out of the room.

"You have it bad Andy" Harry teases and the family laugh.

"You two can talk" Andy teases back.

Scott and Harry blush and everyone chuckles.

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