Louis gets up and finds the key to the cuff on the wall, he makes quick work of getting it off, trying to ignore his pain. He then hurries as quickly as he can to the door, he tries the handle, but it's locked.

He then hears a commotion outside; Louis heart rate picks up and his breathing becomes irregular. He moves backwards as best he can. He then hears his name being called.

"Louis!" Scott yells

"Scott" Louis cries out.

"Stand back baby, we're going to get you out" Scott says.

Louis can hardly stand but he moves away from the door as it's broken down.

He sees Scott and Harry on the other side, and they rush towards him. Louis couldn't be more thankful to see them.

They engulf him and he collapses in their arms, so thankful they found him.

"Shit baby, it's okay, it's okay, we've got you" Harry tells Louis as he holds him.

"It's all going to be okay darling, we're here now" Scott tells him.

"Darling, we need to get you out of here okay, we will take you straight to the Ambulance that's waiting on the other side of the docks" Harry says.

"Don't leave me, please don't leave me" Louis begs.

"Never sweetheart, never, we've gotcha" Scott says as he kisses Louis head.

"Can you walk for us baby? We will help you" Harry says as he helps Louis stand. The boys steady him around the waist and help him walk out of the shipping container.

The light hits Louis face instantly and he winces, he looks around and there's an entire dock with empty shipping containers everywhere. There's also two other secret service men that meet them, with their guns drawn.

"Let's go baby, let's get you out of here" Harry says.

The two men start to lead them through the shipping containers.

"What happened to Jax and Jeremy" Louis asks, his voice rough.

"They won't be a problem ever again" Scott says.

"And Troy?" Louis asks.

Just as he says the name a gunshot is fired and it hits one of the men in front of them, square in the head. He goes down and Louis gasps in pure shock as Harry grabs his waist and he's hauled behind a shipping container, Scott and Harry draw their guns and shoot towards the gunshots.

"Agent down, I repeat we have an agent down" Scott says into this wrist piece.

The fire ceases and it's quiet, just their heavy breathing can be heard.

"This way" Harry says, and they move quickly to behind the next container, another two shots ring out before Scott is reaching for his gun and shooting Troy from the top of one of the shipping containers. Scott hits him square in the chest, he drops his gun and falls to the concrete.

Harry's hand is over Louis eyes, and he's turned away before he sees Troy hit the ground.

"It's okay, don't look baby" Harry tells him.

"Harry" Louis whines scared.

"We're here it's okay" Harry tells him as he takes his hand away from Louis eyes.

"My leg" Louis says, and he and Scott look down to find Louis bleeding from his thigh, he's been shot.

"Fuck" Scott says.

Harry picks Louis up bridal style and they rush him back to the team waiting just outside the shipping dock. They are met with a medic team and special agents.

Louis is whisked away into an ambulance before Scott and Harry can even blink.

Louis is so scared. He needs Harry and Scott, needs to see them but they aren't next to him like they promised.

"Calm down Louis, everything is okay" the ambulance officer says.

"I want Harry and Scott, please" Louis says as he struggles on the bed.

Scott and Harry don't care about anything but getting to Louis, they ignore everyone and focus on getting to the ambulance and in next to Louis.

They make it up into the back of the ambulance.

"It's okay darling, we're here just relax" Scott tells him as they kneel down next to his stretcher, the ambulance officers trying to stabilise him as best they can.

"Don't leave me please" Louis says, he can't keep his eyes open any longer.

"We aren't going anywhere" Scott tells him as he strokes his head.

"Louis, kiddo, keep your eyes open for us" the ambulance officer says but Louis can't, and he passes out.

Medical jargon is thrown around as they try to stabilise Louis. Scott and Harry watch on, trying to hold it together as they race lights and sirens to the hospital.  

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