Chapter 2 - An Accident

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There's a good amount of silence that begins before he speaks. "I should be the one that's sorry, for scaring you like that." He grunts as I hover over a tender part of his back. "And sorry for getting angry at you, you were only reacting like you were supposed to."  

Time passes as we just sit there tending to his affected area. The more I go over his back, the more I feel his muscles through his fur. They aren't as defined since his coat kind of covers up some parts. But once you look for them, you can tell he trains and gets into battles a lot. It's kind of soothing if I'm being honest but I try not to get comfortable. Once I reach his neck he hisses a little. 

"Sorry, should I go slower?" I ask moving my hands away from him. I can tell that he was getting comfortable before I went over the sore spot. 

"N-no you're fine keep going," he says while grunting. I slowly try to move my hand close to his neck to ease him into the pain. But this time he doesn't flinch. I try lightening up the mood 

"You know, you did look intimidating when I turned around," I say chuckling. "I don't think I've been scared like that before." 

It works

"Wouldn't doubt it, the look on your face made you look like a scared cat." He snorts trying to conceal a laugh. 

An hour passes by and it only took a few minutes after we started talking for him to feel normal again. By then we were talking about our fears and what we weren't scared of. 

"You're really scared of spiders?" Blaidd laughs. "Well, they're creepy why wouldn't you be scared of them!" I say playfully shoving him

Blaidd gets up and stretches his muscles out. I couldn't help but stare in awe, he was strong there's no denying that. I look away trying not to though, seeing my stuff in the tent that was there. He goes and puts his armor back on while I gather my things to get ready for the trip. I grab Torrent and set everything in the bags on either side of him while I feed him a fruit. 

"We should get going, we need those medallions as soon as possible," Blaidd says as he finally puts his chest plate on. I agree and finish up putting everything for torrent to carry. 

"Where are we heading first?" I asked, walking up to Blaidd and pulling out a map. 

"Currently we are here, at Ranni's Rise, which is her tower." He points to a part of the map where the tower is located. "We need to go all the way," I anticipate him stopping his finger somewhere closer to where I expected but unfortunately, He keeps going. "Here." He stops at nearly the bottom right of the map which is basically on the opposite side of where we are. "Fort Haight has one of the halves of the Dectus medallion"

I groan at the distance that we need to travel, not only that. But the fact that we are going there just for one piece makes me more disappointed. I don't know why I thought we would go somewhere close, the travel is about 3 days just to get there. I don't even know where we have to head next for the other half. I fold the piece of paper up and store it in torrent.

Blaidd notices my depressed state. "What, did you think this was going to be easy?" he chuckles patting me on the back. "Not really, I just HATE TRAVELING!" I yell. Blaidd laughs at the show I'm putting on. "Why do you hate traveling? It's good to relax your mind, and see different parts of the lands." His efforts of trying to cheer me up help a little, but don't work as expected. "I know, but it gets so boring, especially when it would take THREE DAYS"

Blaidd gets ready to travel. "At least you'll have me, isn't company better than nothing?"

I can't help but admit that it might be fun to travel with someone, instead of being alone with my thoughts. Not only that, but I've been able to talk to him comfortably without regretting what I say. I won't say it was a great thing that I sent him a launching for us to talk but, I do like how this turned out. 

Although Blaidd has been relatively nice to me, I do have to keep my guard up. Considering he's strong enough to withstand a blast AND hold me down without trying. It says something. 

"You know what, you're right" I get on Torrent. "This won't be as bad after all".



So far I have made 2 chapters in a day. (Mind you that this is my first time writing) this is what I kind of want to start with, but I haven't fleshed out the future story. I also plan on trying to write this as long as I can because I don't want it to end too quickly. Later on in the story, I would ask some questions about what I would include if people were interested. (probably won't be, let's be honest) I have the next chapter drafted so we'll see how many people have liked this. (My hopes are not high at all but I do like putting some ideas down for a story to write)

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