Missing Mommy

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Info - dad Timmy, toddler temper tantrum, feeling like your child doesn't love you, drinking alcohol

"You sure you'll be okay," she asked worriedly.

"Kit will be easy, he's such a sweet heart," I said.

"Yeah, but I've never spent a night away from home," she said. I went to her and kissed her softly.

"Have an amazing time and don't spend a second worrying," I smiled. She smiled back and pecked my cheek. She'd already said goodbye to Kit earlier though I didn't know if he'd understood.

Y/n left and I played blocks with Kit. Soon it was time for dinner. As I prepped Kit played the drums on a pot with a bowl on his head.

"Alright, dinner is ready," I said.

"Where is mommy, she needs to eat too," Kit said worriedly.

"Mommy told you, she was going to a wedding. She has some friends getting married where she used to live," I said.

"Will she be back before bedtime?" He asked. I hated to break his little heart.

"No baby, she won't be here until tomorrow night," I said.

Kit immediately burst into tears. His chocolate brown eyes that he got from y/n immediately welled up. They rolled down his face in fat drops.

"Don't worry, Papa will be here," I tried to say.

"No Papa! Want mommy!" He screamed.

"Hey let's calm down and eat Buddy!" I said, trying to stay cheerful. He threw the bowl on his head at me.

This went on and on. I tried everything. I told him we could call her, offered his favorite book, offered him candy, and lots of soothing. He wouldn't go to sleep.

"Please Kit, Papa is so tired," I said softly.

"No! I want mommy, bring her back!" He screamed, his little voice hoarse from how long this had been. Every time he screamed at me it hurt. Did he not love me?

"I'll rub your back if you lay down," I said desperately.

"NO!" He shrieked and beat his fist on the floor. I hated to do this.

"How about ice cream doesn't your throat hurt?" I asked him.

"Ice cream?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said weakly.

"Otay," he sniffled. I thought I'd made progress, but the whole thing started up again. Finally, FINALLY, he wore himself out. I went to my office feeling utterly worn out, physically and mentally.

I fell asleep easily after taking a shot of whisky to calm myself. I woke up groggily sometime later. I gasped when I realized Kit had crawled into my lap and was sleeping there. I was smiling wildly and I pet his curls.

The next day went so much smoother, Kit and I bonded and had loads of fun. He even went to bed for me when I asked. Y/n got back when he was asleep.

"Mon amour! Guess what!" I said after our kiss.

"What?" She asked.

I animatedly explained to her what happened. I was using my hands and beaming.

"Aww you're acting like an excited puppy, you're such a good dad," she said and hugged me.

"Mommy?" I heard a voice from the top of the stairs.

"Come here Kitty cat," she said her fond nickname for him. He flew down the stairs and launched himself into Y/n's arms. She kissed his hair and hugged him tight.

"Now I want Papa to hold me," he said. I picked him up shakily. I was crying I realized. I held him to my chest and kissed his temple.

"My baby boy," I sighed.

SFW Timothee Chalamet Fanfiction P2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang