"Let me see how Monti looks again," Travis said.


"Hmm...she's not ugly but she is big, man," He said.

"Monti looks good, what you mean?" Another one of his friends chimes in. (Ernest)

"Why do ya care so much about how she looks? These are the girls I chose," Jayson siad,

"True but you can do so much better though. Sure, Monti got the looks, but she weighs more than you!" Travis said laughing.

"And?" Jayson asks.

"Bro you're being such a dick right now," Micheal says.

"Right. Me and Gabby had so many memories but it ended for a reason. I still can't believe I caught her with Jamal though,"

"Oh yeah that was crazy," Said Micheal.

"What did she even see in that nigga? He wears thick ass glasses for a living looking like Aurthur," Said Travis.

"I don't know but I ended up forgiving her for it. But I wasn't all that perfect either. I became busy overtime. And she had other issues going on. It wouldn't work. But when I met Monti, she brought out the fun side of me, the soft side, and she made me smile a lot! She was so fun and charismatic, and sweet, goofy, expressive, and assertive. But I got caught up," Jayson expressed.

"Don't we all? Said Travis.

"At the end of the day, it's all about what decision you make. You don't need validation from us," Ernest said.

"Me personally, I'm choosing Gabby. Sure she cheated, but the girl is bad, attractive, and you guys have a deeper connection," Said Travis.

"Monti is attractive as well. Ain't yo mama fat my nigga?" Jayson said.

"Yeah. Just the other day you said how she couldn't breathe while opening the refrigerator. And you have the nerve to talk about another woman's looks?" Micheal said.

"But that's my mama," Travis said.

"It don't fucking matter, dude. Stop being such a bitch. A lil extra ain't gone hurt nobody," Jayson snatching his phone.

"Anyways, man, it's all about your decision. But all Imma say is, if Travis influences any of your choices, you need therapy," Micheal said, shaking his head.

"Ugh! This week has just been off man. I was doing so fucking fine that day. I didn't have her Instagram, snapchat, I didn't have her number, I didn't have anything! I wish we went on a different day," Jayson said.

"Well, it's also about self control. You knew you were on a date and you disrespected her," Micheal Said.

"I didn't know Gabby was gonna be there!" Jayson spoke.

"It really doesn't matter if she was gonna be there or not though. You can with one girl. There should have been no reason you were entertaining two then end up leaving alone. See you let them old feelings catch up and you fell for it and you took that opportunity to talk to your ex again. This is what hella niggas do so I don't even wanna hear it," Micheal spoke.

"You think she's gone wanna talk to me though and hear me out?" Asked Jayson.

"A lot of girls are willing to hear some niggas out. It's worth a shot," Ernest chimed in.

"You sure you want a fat bitch though?" Travis asked.

There was a bit of silence in the room...before Jayson charged across the living room and started to choke Travis. Travis started to choke and so he threw a punch at Jayson which made him fumble back and fall on the glass table. Travis was coughing uncontrollably and trying to gasp for air. Jayson was too hurt to get up from the fall so he groaned in agony.

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