Trouble in Paradise

Start from the beginning

She got on her phone and began to make a call.

"Hello?" The caller said.

"Hey, Ryder, uhm...can you do me a favor? Please?" She asked.


"What happened to your date?" Jayson asked.

"She went home. You know the usual,''said Brandon.

"You're a dangerous man," Said Jayson.

"And a ladies man," Brandon said laughing. "What about you,"

"I actually like Monti. She's cool. She's down to earth and has a lot of respect for herself. Learned from her mistakes and upped her standards and self-esteem. My type of women,"

"Figured. You always catch feelings fast," Brandon said.

"I don't have feelings for her. I said I liked her, doesn't mean in that way. We agreed to go out next time too. I wasn't so sure about this whole dating thing but imma give it a try," Said Jayson.

"Yeah, Kourtney's a cool girl too. But I'm not tryna sit home and wait for love. I'm a young man," Brandon said, drinking some juice.

"So you're trying to have sex with as many girls as you can?" Jayson asked.

"I don't wanna put it like that. I mean I wouldn't mind having one girl but I feel like I already messed it up," He said.

"How? Why do you feel like that?"

"Because I've already had my fun with them and I keep going on about it. I can't control myself at all. It's been three years since I've actually been with someone and we know how that went down and I am not trying to get involved in love again. She just made me not wanna be committed at all I just...I don't know," Brandon said.

"You are young and I understand that. But you niggas have to realize that what you do to a lot of these women, can affect them badly and you may regret it. Not only for them but yourself. Just keep that in mind," Jayson said before walking off.

"Yeah but I sent her home in an uber this morning...that should say something right?" He asked.

"Yeah. It says you're not the gentleman she thought you were,"

"But I can be," Brandon said.

"But you're not," Jayson shrugged his shoulders and turned on the television.

"Well, when the time comes, then I'll be a serious man,"

"You're're grown as shit," Jayson said.

"Sometimes I hate talking to you. You don't allow me to have fun," Brandon complained.

"You're taking advantage of women...and you call that fun?"

"Man look, just let me do me," He said.

"You're pathetic," Jayson turned back around to the tv.

"So you like the girl?" Brandon asked.

"Nah. I just said she's cool as a friend. We don't know each other like that,"

"I tell you what. Let's play a game or better yet, let's test something out. If I talk to Kourtney and things end up going well, then you were right. There is love out there. But if there isn't, you stay out of my business. But you have to do the same for Monti and see my side of things," Brandon said.

"That sounds so damn dumb,"

"Nah. If you want me to love again and let go of my ways, then Imma go all out. I can be a gentleman and be nice,"

"But if I do that to Monti, that's like using her," Jayson said.

"No it's not if ya already had plans to go out again. Okay look, we both haven't been serious with anyone lately. This would be a good chance for you to get back in the game and see if you miss it and me too. So come on. Maybe you'll see from my side of things and maybe I'll see yours," Brandon suggested.

"Alright. How long?"

"At least up to 3 months," Said Brandon.

"Three months?"

"Or at least until you back out but it has to be a valid reason," Said Brandon.

"What if I catch feelings early?"

"Then that's on you. But if one has their final feelings the bet is off for them, but if the other doesn't, they still have to finish it off. But final feelings are final and you can continue doing what ya do,"

"Imma show you, lil nigga," Jayson said.


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