I walked out the bathroom and Kourtney stormed past me. I let it slide cause I am not tryna argue with a bitch tonight and I actually wanna have a nice time but I am not about to tell her that. These men better be looking like Shawn Wayans in his young days and have Rihanna money the way she described these men.

"Girl, how do these niggas look?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You have to see for yourself," She answered.

"Nah, if these niggas is ugly, I will be leaving and caring my big ass to sleep," I said.

"No, Monti, they aren't ugly. I thought you didn't care about looks," She said with a confused look on her face.

"I don't but I ain't tryna embarrass myself either. I care about the personality but my boundaries and standards have gone up," I said, shaking my head.

"I understand that. Look," She said, sitting next to me on the bed. She held my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I want you to have a nice time. If you don't then I will take all the blame for the night. You don't have to be with them or talk to them after the date because that is your decision. I know how hard it is to get back out of your comfort zone and talk to other guys. I'm married but I still know. I just want you to have a nice time and feel free. Okay?"


"Now...come on and let's have a good night," She said, smiling at me.

She finished her light makeup and her hair. By the time she was done, it was time for us to go. We drove in our car of course. I told her to park her car in my garage just in case Tyren may be lurking around. I am a bit excited but at the same time nervous as fuck because I don't know this man's type and I don't know how he look. I'm a big bitch and I do not need no insecure nigga feeling some type of way about me. Like they all do. Never been posted, never met no one's family, never been appreciated, never been taken on a nice date, nothing.

I'm embarrassed at myself half the time but I try to remember it is all in the past. I know I look good but will I look good enough for him? I'm not really the insecure type but when it comes to guys, I overthink. They are the most confused sex ever, I'm not no sloppy body girl though so I should be fine. Kourtney is happy as hell though. She hasn't been this happy since she got engaged and I really hope this one works out for her but she needs to get her priorities together. I'd much rather her get divorced before dating but this type of stuff happens all the time when married people date others when the relationship isn't good anymore. I don't want that for my future at all.

We arrived at the place around 7:45. The date starts at 8 so I hope they aren't too far from the restaurant.

"Are they here yet?" I asked Kourntey.

"Yeah they are around the corner and should be pulling up,"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't wanna have a bad time. I hate being embarrassed," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh don't be like that. Just relax. Everything is gonna be okay,"
I took a deep breath and exhaled dramatically. This is my first time on a date in about 8 months and knowing me I just know something is bound to mess up like always.

"Okay they're here," She said, all excitedly.

"I guess it's showtime,"

I got out of my car and I saw two tall men walking in our direction. One of the tall men was brown skin with long black locs, he was skinny, he had a stubble beard, a thin mustache, brown eyes, and perfectly angled cheekbones. His fit was a white muscle shirt, black khaki, skeet pants, and silver velvet dress shoes. He had a gold rolex, a gold chain, and one ring on each ring finger.

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