Chapter Nineteen: Hidden Past

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—————————Scene Break—————————

I'm currently in my room crying then I start mumbling to myself, "Akeno I'm sorry. I'm going to forget about you. I'm the worst man alive." [Jake if you want to protect your mate then I suggest leaving and leave her a note for her to read] "Thanks for the suggestion Albion I'll do that I don't want to hurt her." I then got out a notebook and a pen. I started to write and 5 minutes later I'm on a roof near my house. I say in a sad tone, "Cya I'm going to miss this place. Alright Albion. Balance Break." [Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker] I then started flying away as I started hearing more cracks around my ears. More and more until. A huge amount of sound came from my seal sounding like shattered glass. Slowly my eyes change colors from blue to dark silver. Then all I see is darkness.

——————Scene Break Akeno's POV——————

'I'm walking home from helping Rias with that favor she asked of us. It wasn't bad. But cleaning the pool for the student council isn't bad to pay them back for helping with Kokabiel.' I open my door and I see Liz and I see she looks really sad. I decided not to bother her. I just went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I then see her crying a lot actually. I then walk over to her putting my stuff on the kitchen table first. "Hey Liz what's wrong?" All she did was get up and hugged me saying I'm so sorry Akeno. I am truly sorry. I then said, "You did nothing wrong, but what happened while I was gone?" "I think you should talk to Jake about that he's in his room right now he would want to see you." "Okay you're worrying me but I'll go to Jake." I then was walking to our room and I said, "It's really dark in here Jake you'll ruin your eyes being in our room this dark." I then turned on the lights and he wasn't here. I noticed a notebook at the foot of our bed. I then started to read it, "Dear Akeno, I'm sorry but I am going to have to leave for a while. Could be years, could be decades, could be centuries. I want to tell you why I left. I left, because there is no way to stop my other half from coming out so I'm leaving to keep you safe from me. I couldn't bear the thought of me hurting you. So I left. This is the last thing I'll say to you for a while. I love you with all my heart Akeno. I never regretted being with you for a second. Love, Jake Gwiber." I started crying. I broke down. So I went to Liz with the note in hand. I then gave it to her and went back to my room. I then cried for the rest of the night.

——————Scene Break Jake's POV——————

All I see is darkness. I then tried to reach my hand out then I suddenly fell over and I noticed I was on the bridge I took when I wanted fresh air back in America then I hear behind me, "Um, can I please ask you a question?" My eyes widened at hearing that voice and that sentence then I see myself walking towards her. I reached out for my shoulder to stop him but I just went through him. Then I hear, "You can't interact with anything here they're our memories." "Fuck you why did you have to come out why couldn't you stay asleep." The Jake I tried to stop turns around but there's something different: he has dark silvery eyes while I have blue. He then says, "I was sitting back watching how you stole my life from me. I was supposed to fall in love, not you. You never should have existed." Then he gets smaller in size looking like me as a child. "I don't care what you went through, I never knew you existed until now. So sit back and just hand me the controls JAKE." He then said, "So that's my name now. My name isn't Jake, it's Vali. So Mom decided to rename me to not trigger me." I said, "Just shut up and leave me alone Vali."

—————————Scene Break—————————

I'm currently in the fetal position thinking why is this happening to me. I did nothing wrong. Then I hear, "This is only the start of your torture." I then said in a depressed tone, "What do you mean?" He then smirked and snapped his fingers. I then got a headache and passed out. When I reopened my eyes I heard, "Jake are you okay you started spacing out?" I started crying. "Is that really you Akeno?" "Well duh it's me who else do I look like." I then got up from the table and hugged her tightly. "Whoa Jake what is up with you today." Akeno then noticed me crying. "Is everything alright Jake?" "Yea everything alright now." I calmed down and said, "We should go back to my house." "Yea I think it's better that way. In fact I want us to be alone." I then noticed I'm not in the UK right now I'm in America. But at this point I didn't care as long as I was with Akeno. I got back to my house and spent the rest of the night with Akeno. We fell asleep in each other's arms like always. But then when I opened my eyes I saw something else. I was in the church again. Where we fought Raynaire. I looked around screaming for Akeno. Until I saw her. With a spear of light impaled in her. I walk over to her and she says, "You know. I've never been able to have this much fun until I met you. I never had a friend to talk to or have fun with or go on missions with. So please Jake I don't want to see you crying. I want you to be smiling even when times are tough." I then hugged her tighter then screamed "Aaaakkkennnoooo." A huge burst of light came out of my body as it expanded from me and eviscerated the whole mountain the church was on. I then start screaming in pain and I'm back in my house. Akeno then gets up and asks, "What's wrong Jake?" I then thought in my head as I looked at Akeno, 'So this is what you meant by this is only the beginning of my torture. Damn you Vali.' I then said, "It's nothing Akeno, just a bad dream." We got out of bed. I went to the shower and after I was done I opened the door to leave the bathroom and ended up in my school uniform. After entering my 1st period I see Akeno waive to me to come over to sit with her. "Hey Akeno sorry about this morning." "No it's alright but you should really get some sleep looks like splashing water on your face didn't work you still look tired." I then thought, 'Was that what I was doing before coming in here?' "Yea you're right I do feel tired. Nighty night." I then wake up and I see it again. I ran over to Akeno. While crying, "Please don't leave me again AAAKKKENNOOOOOO. "Don't worry Jake I'll always love you." My eyes widened as they changed colors to shine incredibly bright like before but way stronger and like before I eviscerated the mountain. I woke up screaming in pain. And this continued for thousands of times until I appeared in a garden screaming in pain I then pleaded, "Please stop this I can't take it anymore. Just please stop this." Then everything goes black again until I see Vali floating down to me, "So you finally gave up, are you willing to give me control of my body as long as I leave you alone." "Yes, please just let me be." He then smiled and said, "Alright then the world around me changed to the place I was living in but there was no one here. Not another person. I didn't care, I just wanted to disappear. Then I hear it echoing in my head, 'Disappear, Disappear, Disappear, Disappear.' Until I said it to myself, "Disappear."

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