Chapter 13: Friday

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You wake early Tuesday to the ringing of your cell phone by your ear. You blearily stretch and grab it, wiping drool and chip dust from your face with semi-sticky fingers, and press answer. You grunt into the receiver, your eyes are still half closed and unfocused. You look around at yourself confused. You are laying on the library loveseat in a pool of snack wrappers, the Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong playing loudly on your laptop, and a completely empty bottle of Moscato nestled in your arms like a nursing baby.

"Oy! Y/n did you just wake up? It's noon," your brother says on the phone.

You pull the phone away to check the time, sure enough, is just a bit past twelve. You put the phone back to your ear.

"And your point is old man?" you say into the phone, your voice rough ass hell.

You smack your lips at your residual cotton mouth and reach out for an opened and half-drank bottle of soda. You chug it down, it's warm and flat but does the trick. You can hear your brother laughing into the phone as you sit up and stretch.

"Jesus y/n I was going to see if you wanted to go out with the crew on Friday but it seems like you know how to party all on your own," Malcolm says.

"Damn straight brother dear but did you really just say 'the crew' to refer to your friends? And they voluntarily hang out with you?" you ask, standing up and brushing yourself off, closing your laptop in the process.

"Haha, yes they do... as far as I am aware at least, but are you up for Friday? Conrad is bothering me about it," he says and you can hear Conrad yell out embarrassedly in the background to shut up.

You croak out a laugh as you stretch.

"Yeah I'm down for Friday, tell Conrad hi for me," you say, looking around the room languidly.

You see a shadow in the corner and double back, Brahms is sitting at an armchair with a book in hand, obviously purposely ignoring you. You look closer at what book he is reading and you choke on your spit when you see that it's one of your smut books. It's one of the ones that is heavier on fluff than true libertinage but still you just about cry seeing him read it, and from the ratio of pages on the left to the right, he's deep into the story. You can hear Malcolm talking in the background and your extended silence makes Brahms look up, you swear his eyes are looking oddly mischievous.

"Ok Malcolm, I have to go, see you Friday, bye!" you say hurriedly into the phone before hanging up and tossing it behind you.

Brahms tips his head back to get a better look at you. You look down at yourself and cringe, you are in a right state with your disheveled clothes from yesterday dusted with food crumbs and your hair a messy halo around your head. You didn't realize just how hard those gummies were going to hit you, but hell, you had a great time and you're not about to apologize, for that at least.

"Oh hey are you this lovely morn-afternoon? Uh...heheh," you go silent feeling embarrassed.

He cocks his head at you and slides a bookmark into his place before standing up and walking over to you. He is silent as he brushes crumbs and hair from your face. Your cheeks heat under his gaze. You rub the back of your neck and avoid looking at him.

"Sorry about waking up so late Brahms, I got a little...silly goofy last night that's all. I didn't break any rules though! At least not really..." you say, looking over at him apologetically.

He hums.

"It's okay, but I want to be... silly goofy with you next time," he says, and you can tell from his voice that he is smiling.

You are relieved that you and he are good after last night, you don't feel proud of how you acted, but he wasn't exactly a cherub either.

"Deal, next time I get silly goofy, we can be silly goofy together, as long as it's before big boy Brahms' bedtime," you say teasing him.

Shadows of the Night - Brahms Heelshire x Reader [The Boy 2016]Where stories live. Discover now