Chapter 12: Like or Like Like

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 After the unexplained tension of the morning dissipated and breakfast finished you and Brahms had drifted apart, you to do your art commissions and Brahms to do whatever Brahms does when he is alone. It's almost night now.

You are sketching a concept for a new piece but can't focus and lose yourself in the art like you usually do. Questions are plaguing your mind, creating cycles of curiosity and corresponding repression that you can't seem to shake. You shift on your bed where you are sitting, pretending like getting more comfortable will fix your ever-wandering mind.

Eventually, you give up with a sigh. You grunt as you lay down, pouting at your inability to get your shit together. You roll around for a couple of minutes before you jump up, deciding to go looking for Brahms, not liking the distance from him. You leave your room and wander through the second and first floors, not finding him. You go up to the third floor and he is nowhere to be found and he hasn't come out of the walls to end your misery. You sigh loudly knowing he is near and watching you, your mischievous and teasing side takes over.

"Ugh, I guess I'm going to have to go out with Malcolm and Conrad after all. It's a shame because I wanted to have a movie marathon tonight..." you say loudly, exaggerating all of your words and gesturing dramatically with your arms.

The effect is instantaneous, a thump rings out from a wall near you and seconds later a disheveled-looking Brahms stumbles out of an adjacent room. He fast walks to you determinedly.

"No!" he says, his voice firm.

You roll your eyes.

"I only said that to get you to stop pouting in the walls, I don't want to hang out with those dweebs when I have the coolest motherfucker to hang out with right here. So what are you feeling movie-wise? I'm thinking slashers," you say with a sly smile on your face.

Brahms seems to deflate at your words, his body losing the rigidness of what you guess was anger. He looks at you with an unreadable expression before huffing.

"What is a slasher?" he mumbles.

Your smile widens and you take his cool hand, leading him downstairs.

"You'll see," you say with a giggle.


Brahms lets himself be led by y/n to the library, liking the weight of her hand in his. When they get to the library she excitedly sits him down on a loveseat that is parallel to one of the few bare walls in the house. She tells him to stay and excitedly leaves the room to go get her laptop to watch movies on.

Brahms sighs as he sits back, still not quite recovered from his panic and crying earlier. In his post crying numbness he had decided to pretend he doesn't feel anything for y/n beyond what a friend would, thinking that if he fakes romantic indifference, at some point it will be true. However, he hasn't given up on planning to make sure y/n never leaves his side, but platonically of course. He thinks he has no chance with her otherwise so if it means keeping her with him he is willing to kill that romantic and hopeful part of him. He has survived so far, he thinks, so as long as he keeps the promise of forever in mind he shouldn't have much trouble with the temptations of the present.

He isn't quite sure how he is going to keep her tied to him but he has a few ideas. He doesn't want to hurt y/n in any way so as of right now his main plan is for him to get her to realize life with him is far better than life in the outside world, and that as far as life partners go he is the most perfectly suited to her. He plans to do this by being as good of a boy as he can, listening to her, and giving her gifts. He started a gift for her earlier and he plans for it to be only one of many over the years if all goes well.

Shadows of the Night - Brahms Heelshire x Reader [The Boy 2016]Where stories live. Discover now