Chapter 10 - Just Like Heaven

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the girls make it back to the house, hand in hand. vans sat outside in the pitch dark, beer in hand and laughing with Mari

"jesus! you two! i've been looking everywhere for you!!" van runs over to lottie and nat, cutting mari off leaving her there by herself.

"van.. we need you to do us the biggest favor, like huge." lottie let's go of nats hand, places both per palms on the red heads shoulders. she tells van their plan, situation and reasoning, where there going (planning to at least).

"what do i tell everyone? when they ask where you are or what had happened?"

"just say that we needed a change of scenery or something" lottie says

van nods

"wait but what about school?" van asks

"lot has that under control, she's applied for an early graduation. meaning she can take her exams anywhere. no doubt she'll pass! she should really be a year ahead of everyone because of how smart she is" nat explains and lottie looks over to her. hearts in her eyes.

"okay okay lovebirds.. what about you nat?" van says concerned

"there's no hope for me, it's fine though. i was never really the one for school and education, not really my thing. i'll go wherever life takes me.. i mean look at me now! leaving, running away from my life with the girl that i love"

lotties smile slightly fades

"will i ever see you guys again?" a tear forms in vans eye

"of course shithead, we'll only be an 8 hour drive away! we'll call you every single day! we'll come for visits too.. we love you van. thankyou for everything"

tears stream from vans eyes, rolling down her face. she runs up to the girls and wraps both her arms around the two of them. they hug her back. after a few minutes the girls latch off of each other.

"you should get back, wipe your face" nat hands van a tissue from her pocket "get back and remember, you don't know anything"

"i love you guys" van turns around, walks back

after van had returned to the party, lottie pulls nat to the side

"lot? you alright?" natalie asked worriedly

"you- you love me?" lottie asks

nat pauses, she wasn't expecting that

"of course lottie, i love you, forever"

the tall brunette smiles, widley

"i love you too asshole" lottie pushes her lips against nats, intertwining their tongues and holding hands

nat pulls away after a few seconds "alright silly, we need to get everyone out of here if we're going to do this"

"okay okay" lottie sounded exited, nat smiled as lottie grabbed her hand and dragged her toward her own house. walking inside, turning down the music and banging a metal kitchen pan with a rolling pin

"okay okay everyone, partys over. as much as we've loved having everyone here. you all need to get the fuck out" lottie shouts, with a sarcastic smile on her face

"yeah, alright, we all need to leave... yes randy you too. lets all respect. their. privacy. and get our drunk asses out of here" van shouts from the living room, making her way to the kitchen and winking to the girls.

20 minutes later

everyone has left, after dragging some peoples drunk asses out, they've finally got peace and quiet.

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