Chapter 3

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Third Pov

Izuku was massaging his head temples. Some annoying blue-haired guy had just yelled at Present Mic that he was not explaining about the 0-Point Robot, even though it was pretty clear that Present Mic was about to tell them about it. Then he yelled at Izuku because he was not listening to Present Mic and was instead staying there with his eyes closed. Izuku quickly defended himself by telling the guy that he had already read the printout and didn't need to listen to Present Mic explain what he read again. After that, everyone went to their specific battle center. Izuku was at battle center B.

Once there, Izuku wanted to go to the front to be able to get into the battle center quickly, but the annoying blue-haired guy grabbed him by the shoulder and said:

ABHG (annoying blue-haired guy)-That girl appears to be trying to focus. What are you doing here? Are you taking the exam to interfere with everyone else?

Izuku – I wasn't going to speak with anyone at the moment. I was trying to get to the front of the group to get in as fast as possible.

Present Mic – Okay, Start!

As soon as Present Mic said that everyone looked around confused. Present Mic then told everyone that there are no countdowns in the hero world. 

When everyone turned towards the tunnel they saw a black-haired kid teleport around destroying robot after robot. Getting over their shock they all ran to get some points.

Timeskip 13 minutes (2 minutes left)

Izuku was on top of a building meditating. He got a total of 125 points and was now going through the memories of the two mysterious Shinobi, trying to learn more Jutsu. Suddenly he felt the ground shake. He opened his eyes and saw a giant robot.

Izuku – 'The 0-Pointer. That's why I didn't find any when I was fighting. There is no need to fight it.'

As Izuku turned away from the robot ready to Shunshin away, he heard 2 voices screaming for help. Izuku instantly turned towards the voices and saw Sakura and a brown-haired girl. He immediately activated his Sharingan and ran to the robot making a few hand signs on his way. 

Izuku – "CHIDORI"

Izuku's left palm was covered with white lighting, and he ran exponentially faster than before, while simultaneously the sound of a thousand birds chirping was heard. The young Uchiha reached the head of the robot and shoved the Chidori through it completely disintegrating the giant piece of metal. 

He then gritted his teeth as he saw that his arm was fried. In the heat of the moment, Izuku used too much chakra, and now he paid the price.

Falling down Izuku was calm internally, but he made it seem as if he was scared and couldn't stop falling, even though he could Shunshin at any moment. 

When he was next to the ground he Shunshined next to Sakura as the brown-haired girl was about to slap him.

After that the exam ended and Recovery Girl was walking around healing everybody, including Izuku.

The girls thanked Izuku for helping them with Sakura blushing.

Timeskip 1 week

Izuku was looking at his letter from UA. He wasn't worried that he wouldn't pass as he knew he had enough points to even be in first place. He was more worried that he would have a teacher that he would dislike.

When he finally opened his letter he was greeted by All Might saying he passed. As soon as Izuku heard that he was accepted he crushed the device not wanting to see the hypocrite, that people call a hero.

Timeskip to the first day of UA

Izuku was at the door of Class 1-A preparing himself to deal with some troublesome classmates. (In another world a whole lazy clan sneezed) 

When he opened the door he saw that his childhood friends and his sister were in the same class as him. He sighs because he would have to deal with them for 3 years. Fortunately, Sakura was also in his class. He silently went and took a seat in the back next to the window. The Uchiha descendant then felt a presence and looked to see a person in a sleeping bag coming through the door with no one except him noticing.

After a few minutes, the person revealed themselves showing a tired man. He said:

TM (Tired Man) - "It took all of you 8 minutes to find me, except you *points at Izuku*, you found me as soon as I entered the class. The rest of you need to be able to sense people. Now put these on and meet me at the Training Field"

A/N: And done. What do you think?

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