Chapter Twenty-One

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"Rhaenyra will not kill your sons."

"She has already stolen my son's eye," Camilla hissed, before softening her approach. She squeezed Daemon's hand, gazing up at him through her lashes. "Our son's eye."


Camilla merely nodded. "Come back to the Red Keep, protect me and our children. Be their father."

"My brother-"

"Is ill, Daemon. He will not live for long." Camilla stepped closer. She lifted a hand to the side of his face, holding him as her thumb stroked his cheek. "When the day comes we shall bind our blood, like Aegon the Conqueror did with his sisters. Just as we should have done years ago."

Daemon wrapped his arms around Camilla, pressing his forehead against her own. Camilla's eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of being so close to him. She had missed his touch more than she cared to admit.


The carriage steadily rocked side to side as the wheels drove over the uneven cobble road leading to the docks. Camilla sat across from her husband, her youngest sleeping peacefully in her arms. Her gaze remained solely on Monterys, ignoring Viserys' presence.

"You are cross with me."

"Of course I am." Camilla responded, though she refused to look at her husband.

"You would you have me cut out my grandson's eye?"

"I would have you care for all your children," Camilla turned, pinning Viserys with a sharp glare. "Not only Rhaenyra and her sons."

"She is my daughter, my heir."

"Maegella is your daughter," Camilla argued. "The maesters say she will never smile again, not fully. And not that that would matter to you, I don't believe you've ever spent enough time with her to even see her smile."


"Do you know that Aemond takes after you in your love for history. He reads anything about Old Valyria in hopes that you might wish to speak about it. Daemion has a mind for strategy, he spends hours around a tactical map challenging lords and knights alike to defeat his campaign. Daenyra enjoys singing, she has such a sweet voice but it is difficult to catch her in the act. As soon as she notices you she clams up. Aegon only wishes to feel loved, but I worry his mind will never allow him peace. Helaena enjoys walks through the gardens, she has created plans with the Head Gardener to designate a small area for beehives. And you have never spent a moment with Monterys, I fear he doesn't even know he has a father."

Viserys was silent for a moment, processing his wife's words. "I suppose you are right, I will make a greater effort to know our children. But I will not take Lucerys' eye, nor will I strip him of his titles."


"We will speak no more of it." Viserys dismissed his wife with a wave of his hand.


The ship swayed back and forth as it sailed through the Blackwater Bay. Camilla stood against the side watching as six dragons carrying all but one of her children flew overhead. Camilla had been hesitant to allow Maegella or Aemond to fly back to King's Landing, but Daemon had offered to join them on Caraxes and watch over them.

The tap of a cane against wooden floorboards alerted Camilla of another presence. The Queen tore her eyes away from the sky, turning to face Lord Larys.

"A perversion of justice. The young Prince and Princess defiled, an outrage."


"If it's an eye you want to balance the scales, I am your servant."

"An eye alone will never be enough, Lord Larys."

"Just speak the words, my Queen and I shall deliver."

"That is not necessary." Camilla turned to face the man. "Your devotion has not gone unnoticed, but the moment is not right."

"These are dangerous times. "

"The day will come when I require a friend with not only skill but discretion as well."

"I shall await your call, my Queen."

An unsettling grin spread across Camilla's lips. Soon the day would come and she would take all Rhaenyra holds dear. She would make Rhaenyra pay for taking her son's eye and scarring her daughter's face. Camilla would force Rhaenyra to watch as pieces of her sons were taken. She would relish in Rhaenyra's cries of anguish as she could do nothing to stop it. 

She looked back towards Driftmark, High Tide now nothing but a speck. It would be wise for House Velaryon to side with Camilla in the upcoming war. If they didn't she would rain fire down on the island, burning everyone and everything. They would pray to the sea to save them but even a rising tide would be no match for Camilla's furry. She would set the Blackwater bay on fire to get her way.

AN: Camilla's entering her mad queen era


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