Chapter 7: Phone call

Start from the beginning

The Joker cracked his neck.

"I'm gonna have to try and enjoy it even more." The officer said as he stepped towards him.

A few minutes late the Joker stepped out of the interrogation room, threatening the officer with a glass shard.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Another officer yelled.

"Put him down!"

"Take it easy!"

"Drop the weapon now!"

"Just shoot him!"

"Let him go now!"

"Drop it!"

"Drop it on the floor now!"

"What? Sorry?" The Joker said.

"What do you want?!" The officer yelled back.

"I just want my phone call." He replied.

The officer looked around, thinking that he's absolutely insane.

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"What's happening? Just talk to me, just for one second." Rachel said over the phone.

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"Alright." The officer said to Joker's request.

Joker, still holding onto the officer, reached out his hand waiting for a phone. The officer handed it over as the Joker dialed in a number.

Once he called, the block in the thug's stomach started beeping.

"Is that a phone?" An officer said.

The police station blew up as everyone fell dead to the floor, except for the Joker, who was still standing on his feet.

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"Harvey, just in case, I wanna tell you something, ok?" Rachel said.

"Don't think like that, Rachel. They're coming for you."

"I know they are, but I don't want them to. I don't want to live without you, and I do have an answer for you. And my answer is yes." Rachel said as she cried.

The Batman finally reached the door, expecting to see Rachel but being met with Harvey instead.

"No!" Harvey yelled, "No! Not me! Why are you coming for me?! No!"

"Rachel! Rachel!" Harvey screamed as the Batman pulled him out of the building.

"Harvey. Okay. Harvey it's ok. It's alright. Listen, some..." she was not able to finish her sentence. Both of the buildings blew up.

Harvey got into the way of the fire as he ran with Batman, half of his face started burning. An ambulance was called immediately, then he was placed in a hospital.

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"Back at the MCU, Joker's gone." An officer said to Gordon.

"The Joker planned to be caught. He wanted me to lock him up in the MCU." Gordon replied as he turned back to his car.

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The Joker stole a police car and sticked his head out of the passenger's side window, cherishing his freedom.

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[Y/N] sat home, when her phone rung.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Meet me at the port at 4pm." The Joker said and hung up.

[Y/N] immediately started getting ready. She put on a crop top, some jeans and a leather jacket along with her red lipstick.

She drove to the place by herself in her SUV. Once she got there she immediately noticed the amount of goons guarding the place, and some of them were hers?

The fuck is going on here?

[Y/N] walked in to be met with the Joker sliding down from a huge pyramid of money, which reached the ceiling.

"Hey, sweetheart." The Joker said.

"What's with the money?" She asked.

"That's my half."

"But Batman isn't dead." [Y/N] replied.

"Oh, but he will be. Tonight." Joker said.

"Alright. What are you gonna use the money for?"

"You see, I'm a man of simple taste. I enjoy... dynamite, gunpowder and gasoline." Once he said gasoline, one of his goons started pouring it on the money.

"What's he..." [Y/N] said when Joker pulled a gun at her.

"A-ta-da-da-da..." he said.

"And you know the thing that they have in common? They're cheap." He spoke.

"I thought you said that your a man of your word." She said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, I am. I'm only burning my half." He said as he took a cigarette from [Y/N]'s mouth and threw it at the pile of cash.

"All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class of criminal. And I'm gonna give it to 'em..." he said when [Y/N] interrupted.

"Hey, hey, I don't care about the money, as long as it's your half, do whatever you want with it." She said.

Joker laughed, "Tell your men they work for me now. This is my city."

"How about our city?" [Y/N] said, stepping closer and fixing Joker's coat.

The Joker laughed once more, "You really think that you can get around with me by trying to charm me... well you're wrong. Go home, [Y/N]."

"Can you give us a minute?" [Y/N] said to all the goons, which left the building after her request.

"Why do you keep chasing after me? Hm? Why did you save me from that maniac with the knife? Why did I get invited to the party? Why did you stand so close to me I could literally feel you breathe on my face? Why did you tell me to go to the mayor speech? Why did you hold me by my waist in the 18-wheeler when I kept falling? Is it some part of your twisted ass plan to kill me? Or do you actually feel attracted to me? I need a clear answer." [Y/N] said, stepping even closer to him.

The Joker obviously felt uncomfortable with her being so close. He stepped back but she followed him. In the end he got backed up into a wall. He put his hands on her shoulders.

"Go home." He said as she walked away and slammed the door behind her.

Chaotic Love (Joker x Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now