a village of souls.

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when i was woken up i was in the middle of nowhere, somewhere lost in duren. i could tell by the colour of the trees, fall fit duren the best, everything was orange and yellow, even the air and sky. my head was pounding still, but not bad. i had no wound but a small small bump.

really!? someone kidnaps me to just put me here? goddamn. 

i was lost, i didnt know what to do. id never been here. i wanted to cry, i wanted my moms. i wanted to hold my little sister while hugging my moms. my hands were tied behind my back, i stood up and jumped over them, bring my hands up front. i almost fell when i jumped, i just stumbled a bit.

i looked around me, hoping for someway to break these ropes. i tried rubbing them against a tree, that didnt work, my arms were just tired. 

i groaned and looked at a bag that was left by them. "cant leave you hungry can we? -claudia safe travels!! -terry" the small note attached to the bag read. claudia had small neat hand writing while terry's was small and messy. 

i sat down on my knees before the bag, opening it up with my tied hands. i pulled one thing out at a time. there were things like freshly picked berries wrapped up in cloth, crackers, water, moonberry juice, and eggs. this was a good amount of food, last me maybe 2 weeks if i used it right. 

i was hungry as of now, but i wasn't starving, and who knew how long its be till i found some stability. 

for now i just drank some moonberry juice. where'd they get this anyway? i had many questions like.. why did they take me of all people!? probably bcuz my moms are gay 🙄🙄🙄

i grabbed the bag with my two hands, trying my best to swing it over my shoulder, it took two tries but i got it. i wasnt sure where to go, but i knew the duren castle was north. so i went north. 

i was walking for a while, seeing the same dragon fly by every hour, was something wrong? too bad i don't speak common dragon. each time i heard roars of the dragon, it stayed around for a whole two days, those two days i didnt sleep, i ate on the 2nd day when i started to feel weak, drinking every day. i ate quite a bit but i couldnt stop myself, its hard too when im starving. 

on day 3 the dragon stopped flying by, i started to worry but maybe it just moved on. by then i was out of the woods, i could see a small village, i sighed in relief. maybe they'd be nice to me? not fear me? not have hatred for elves? hope was all i had but humans weren't friendly, expect the ones in my village. and queen aanya. 

i put on a hood, holding it down as i walked towards the village, the walk looked short but felt so long. quite a few people of the small village were watching me walk up, awkward.. i felt shy, scared. 

when i got towards them they showered me in questions, especially the elders. i tried not to talk, knowing they'd pick up on my african-french accent. 

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