"Yes, Master (S/N)."

"For what reason?"

"I want to become stronger."

"A reason that lacks a goal. A life without a goal is even less then barely surviving. Tell me, what do you need this strength for?"

"I want to be able to show them the truth. I want them to open their eyes to what they ignore, their own doom, that they have bestowed on themselves."

"And who is they?"

"The Jedi."

"You want the strength to open their eyes but came to realize that the Jedi are not able to give you that strength. Because they lack something you see clearly."

Barriss' eyes stare deeply into yours, filled with curiosity and uncertainty.

"A desire. Their pride blinds them for the path they need to walk, and you came to realize that. Something not many are capable of. But now is the question if you have what it takes to step on that path. If you still have doubts lingering in your heart, I will advise you to go now and never return to this way."

The Padawan took a deep breath and thought for a second before responding.

"There lies no doubt in my heart, there is no lie in my words. I want to become stronger and fulfil my goal." Barriss said with confidence.

You respond with an approving nod and signal her to follow you.

"Where do you think this strength you desire is rooted in?" you ask while walking slightly in front of her.

"I don't know Master." she responded shily.

"Strength can only ever lie within the one who desires it. The desire is what gets you started, the goal which keeps you going. Discipline and consistency are the things you need in order to reach that goal. You need to channel your desires and emotions to create strength. Let those feelings you hid at first become your source and use them to fuel you." you explain to her.

Barriss hesitated for a moment.

"Drawing power from your emotions, is a characteristic of the dark side of the Force." she said nervously.

"And what if it is?" you answered and stopped for a moment, "The Jedi view it as the power of darkness. The power of destruction. But they forget about why those who use it, chose to walk that path. It is their unyielding desire to reach their goal that let them realise, that the strength they need can only lie within them."

Barriss looked thoughtful, absorbing your words. It was evident that your perspective was challenging the very foundation of her Jedi teachings. The conflict within her was palpable, and you could sense the turmoil in her emotions.

"You think that strength can be harnessed from one's emotions, even the ones considered dark?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly.

"Emotions are not inherently dark or light, Barriss. They simply are. It's how we choose to channel them that defines their nature," you explained calmly. "The Jedi have long been taught to suppress their emotions, fearing that they will lead to the dark side. But by doing so, they deny a fundamental aspect of being sentient beings. Emotions can be powerful allies if we learn to master them."

"So, the path to acquire true strength is to embrace the feelings inside me and use them as source, rather than suppressing them." Barriss concluded.

"That is a part of it." you respond and start walking again.

"What about the rest then?" she asked confused.

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