Chapter 7 - Home 3/3

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Meanwhile with the boys and Mrs. Matthews

Mrs. Sally Matthews POV

We were walking up to the boy's rooms and I was shocked to see the change in their demeanor. When I first met them they were essentially terrified, but now they were comfortable and maybe even happy. We went to Wren's room first. Now I had seen Ms. Clarke's house but you don't understand how big it is until you see the rooms and the bathrooms that each room had. I was shocked to see how big the room was but also how comfortable it felt. It wasn't a guest room but a teenager's room. The sheets were slightly mussled and there were papers on the desk with a few books on the shelf. It had a long way to go before it was home but for the four days the boys had been here it was lived in. I smiled and turned to Wren asking "Do you like living here?"

He nodded. I knew I could only ask yes or no questions because he was mute so I had to think about my next question. "Is Ms. Clarke, good to you?"

He smiled gently and seemed to be remembering something before he nodded. I wondered what she had done to get these boys so close to her. I went to Liam's room next. I found many drawings on his desk and some even tapped on his wall. He was truly an amazing artist and I was glad that he would be able to study art in Sunvalley Academy. She had truly thought of everything for these boys. I asked Liam the same questions and he said yes to the first but hesitated on the second. My heart clenched in worry that she was just putting up a front.

Then he said what I never thought he would, "I had a nightmare this morning. She hugged me. I kicked and screamed but mom held me and told me that everything was going to be alright. I hurt her but she held me and made me feel safe."

He nodded to himself when he was done, seemingly proud that he had said everything he wanted to. I only nodded speechless before going to Nolan's room across the hall. Inside Nolan was playing with some toy cars. In the room he had a carpet with a car track on it that he was currently playing with. I smiled at the sight. He looked up at me as if sensing I was there. I knew that Nolan had never spoken but had a feeling that when he did speak he was going to shake the world to its core. It was in his eyes. His eyes were soulful and deep yet filled with child-like innocence.

I asked him the same questions and got two nods of his little head. I chuckled and left him to play. Griffin's room was last and he was listening to music on an old beat up ipod. He held the object so tenderly. I gently knocked on the doorframe so as not to scare him. His room was pretty clean with just a few papers on his desk that looked like music compositions. He was startled when I knocked and took off his headphones. He looked at me and when I asked the questions he paused as if collecting his thoughts.

Finally he spoke and what he said I will never forget, "This is home. She takes care of us. There are certain things that we don't react well to. I know Liam told you about his nightmare, but there was another incident. We've had bad experiences and she accidently said a trigger word not knowing what it would cause. Wren had a panic attack because of it. She knew that he could hurt himself in that state so grabbed him and held him. Wren hit her in the face and ribs several times. She told me to take the boys upstairs so they didn't have to see that or possibly get hurt. I did and when I came back down she was holding his fists and speaking softly to him. She was able to calm him down. I thought she would kick us out or something. But she didn't, she just held Wren and got him to bed. Then she comforted Liam, Nolan and I. She promised that she would always be there for us. She covered the bruise on her face with make-up and I don't know how bad her ribs are."

My eyes were glassy. Griffin looked at his navy blue bedspread as he spoke and finally looked up at me and said "She is family."

"Good to know. Thank you. I believe this is the perfect home for you guys."

He beamed at me and my heart melted. I went downstairs to talk with Ms. Clarke. As I walked downstairs I heard Jason respond to a question my husband asked. I wanted to laugh at his answer, then I heard Ms. Clarke say, "Jason, no swearing. I don't want the boys to hear. Second, you are hardly overpaid."

I heard Jason scoff and I giggled. This was definitely the home for these boys. I entered the living room and found my husband looking at Ms. Clarke and Jason with veiled awe. I cleared my throat and said "Ms. Clarke, I'm going to speak with my husband in private for a moment."

She nodded and said "Jason and I will go to the kitchen, I need to do those dishes. Please find us when you're done."

I nodded and she left. I turned to my husband who looked like he had just met a celebrity, which he basically had. Ms. Clarke was quite famous but very private about her personal life. But everyone knew about her company 'Assist', they had helped hundreds of companies. They would help the owner of whatever business and set them up with investors, taking about 5% of the business's profits. Any business that got help from them became an instant hit and made close to millions if not over that. Ms. Clarke had even expanded her company to Russia, France, Japan and many other countries. She was also the heiress to the Clarke family inheritance, however it was rumored that she had yet to receive the money.

Which made sense, as she built her company from the ground up. This woman was truly amazing. I was beyond happy that these children were able to live with her and cared for by her. It seemed my husband agreed. We each relayed what happened and I was crying by the end of it. If only more children could be as lucky as these four. Once I had composed myself I went into the kitchen, finding Ms. Clarke forcing Jason to sit at the table and eat some cookies while she did dishes. I cleared my throat and said "These boys are obviously in good hands. I will stop by randomly for visits to see how they are doing. However, I do have one concern."

She nodded and I continued "Griffin and Liam both mentioned you handling Wren's and Liam's breakdowns. They were concerned that you had been hurt. It is clear to me now that you have makeup on your right cheek and I believe your ribs took several hits?"

She grimaced and glanced at Jason who was glaring at her. She gulped and said "I'm okay, thank you for your concern. I was more concerned about the boys, it is clear that therapy may be needed. However I do not intend to talk to them about that yet. I would like them to be more comfortable here first."

"I understand, but please be careful."

She smiled and said "I suppose I have some papers to sign?"

"Yes, my husband is getting them. I apologize for showing up with him unannounced. I realize that it was most unprofessional."

She shook her head and said "No, we were pleased to have him. Please feel free to come by anytime, working or not. I feel we could be good friends. That and I have a business proposition for you and your husband."

My interest piqued and I said "When would you like to meet about this proposition?"

"Whenever you are available, here is my phone number ***-***-****. Please call whenever you are able. I would be happy to meet you in my office building or here at home."

I nodded and was beaming when Paul walked back in with the papers. Ms. Clarke signed everything without any hesitation and even added a note at the bottom saying she refused government aid. Paul collected the papers and we left. I told Paul about what Ms. Clarke said about a business proposition and he beamed saying, "I have a good feeling about this."

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