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A/N - As the great Rick Riordan once said in his dedication for The House of Hades: 

"To my wonderful readers: Sorry about that last cliffhanger. Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHA. But seriously, I love you guys."

Yeah. So. I know I was popping chapters out like 1 per day, and now its been a couple weeks. BUT I got really distracted with personal stuff and kept forgetting to write more. Sorry. The plan is to make this a pretty long chapter, then a concluding chapter, and then over time I will add some short Deathhawks Oneshots and Backstories as I feel like it. I haven't decided for sure though on the oneshots, so dont count on it. luv ya!



 "The human who beat the odds and escaped!"

Those words chilled Pike. Eravi knew what he looked like, who he was. Well, he knew he was a human, at least. After so long in the trades, the traders had forgotten he was the old blue paladin. But being a human was not so easy to forget.

Pike looked back at Keith, and he could see the realization dawning on his face. He feared his old teammate would find out soon. Dagger had told him that Keith and Pidge had overheard their conversation from before the briefing, and that they should be more careful. And, just as he feared, Keith had connected the dots.

Pike opted for dealing with it later, seeing as they were not only surrounded but also outnumbered.

"I said cut it! I've had enough," he said, fury alight. He rushed the slimeball, as well as his closest guard. At the edge of his vision, he saw Dagger take on two of his own, and Keith the other guard. 

As Pike fought, his anxieties about Keith's discoveries melted, replaced by pure, cold rage. He became the cold killer, the vigilante seeking justice by blood, that he was known for. His opponent nearly matched his skill, but it wasn't enough. Before long, Pike had killed him with a sharp blow to the neck. He turned to face Eravi next, raw terror written on his face. 

But before Pike could strike, he saw Keith out of the corner of his eye. He was locked up with his opponent. He gave a sharp cry of anger (and admittedly, fear) and barreled forward. He grabbed his pistol from its holster at his hip, and shot the guard. He glanced to Keith, checking for injuries. He only had time for a quick once-over assessment before he heard the sound of a gun fire, and searing pain. He bellowed, and collapsed face-first. 

In his haze of pain, Pike saw that Eravi had picked up the weapon from across the room, which Pike had knocked out of his opponent's hands long ago. The Unilu threw it aside now, dashing for the exit. Keith leapt forward, landing on the alien's back, trapping him. 

He looked in the other direction just in time to see Dagger throw the other guard to the ground, a sharp CRACK sounding, and the enemy went limp. His friend turned and sped to Pike, kneeling by his side. Dagger turned him over, garnering a sharp cry of agony. The pain radiated from his abdomen, and Pike could feel his blood start seeping into his torn suit.

"Dagger to Birdie! Pike's been hit! We need someone to help clear a path to the ship," he heard his friend yell into the comms, both beside him and in his earpiece. He heard the tearing of fabric, and before he could process what was happening, Dagger pushed some cloth into Pike's wound. He groaned and writhed, trying to keep still. 

It wasn't the first time he'd been shot, of course. In fact, it wasn't oh-so long ago that he had lost his leg, too. He knew pain. His injuries, as well as the rest of the team's, were numerous over the last 6 years. In fact, Star had stayed behind himself due to a still-healing broken ankle. He could walk on it, but fighting was a no-go. Pike had a feeling Dagger would be leading the missions for a little while, and that he would be sitting out with the young Galra. Because as much as he knew pain, and this was nothing like some of what he'd experienced before, it was still almost unbearable.

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