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"The government didn't like that they were bypassing laws and ignoring basic requirements like taxes and such, so they placed a small detachment of troops inside the city, forcing them to obey. In turn, it pissed the Order's leader off, so he started a small uprising about 20 years ago, that's when the killing started..."

"Killing?" Calum asked, his voice in a high octave, I nodded in return.

"They ended up taking out everyone in the detachment and held a few soldiers as bartering material, forcing the government to come to a compromise. The town of Bellows would be left alone, to live how they saw fit, so long as the soldiers were let go. They classified it as 'religious freedom' despite the Order not following any religion at all, it was just an excuse to turn a blind eye to the problem."

"Despite the Order claiming to be built off governmental freedom, the truth of the matter is that it's built off the founder wanting to get rich. By creating a hierarchy of sorts, with himself at the top, he started a never ending cash flow straight to his pocket from his followers. We as members are required to give so much each month, to grow the Order, and 'keep it strong.' Though, the majority of it ends up in his wallet rather than the community."

I shook my head, setting the journal down and opening it up to page one, the rules.

"As you can expect, anything with that corrupt of a backstory can only get worse... Because the only way into the Order is birth, that means in order to grow it the followers have to have children, which brings us to rule number one.

1. All women within the order must be married by age 15, and bear at least 2 children by age 20."

I heard Michael suck in a gasp, and as I looked up each of the boys faces were utterly shocked and bewildered by what I was telling them.

"There's over 100 rules, but I'm not going to go over them all with you.." I say, running my eyes over the set of regulations.

"Let's just say, it consists of the following. Women are the property of men, to do with as they see fit. There is no 'justice' system for us, whatever treatment we receive is what we deserve. We're forced to have children, by any means necessary, but that doesn't mean that we'll be allowed to keep it. If at any point the Order disbands, or falls apart we are expected to end ourselves, ending the Order with it. Any act against the Order, is an act of treason and is punishable by death, this includes leaving it..." I trail off, as my hands begin to shake.

I set the book down and push it away from me, not wanting to ever have to touch it again.

"I tell all of you this.. to warn you."

I pause, running my hand through my hair.

"They're not going to let the fact that I've left... just go.. they're going to come after me.. and that puts you guys in danger too."

I didn't look up at any of them as I spoke, rather I tucked my head into my knees, feeling terrible for what I've done.

"I should've just ran out at the hospital, kept you guys out of all this.." I said, as tears found there way down my cheeks.

The room was still silent, all of the guys in a shock from what they've just heard. After a few moments though, I felt someone scoot closer to me, and pull me into their side, hugging me tightly.

As I looked up, I realized it was Calum, who also had tears in his eyes. He didn't speak though, we just sat like that, for a long time, until Michael broke the silence.

"Can I um.. can I read it?" He asked, gesturing toward the journal. I cringed but nodded, allowing him to go through its contents.

"Alice..." Ashton said, his voice gruff with emotion. "We're you ever.. forced..?" He asked with red, watery eyes.

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