Prologue (part two)

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Miku: Upupupupu! Yeah that's me! But I prefer you call me Monomiku!

Mafuyu: Monomiku...?

Saki: M-Miku, You.. what happend to you!? W-Why you look different!?

Akito: Who cares how she looks. Miku what is going on? And why are we here!? I have better things to do! So explain it already!

Monomiku: Wah wah, Don't scream at me! Maybe if you didn't take your time I would've done that already!

Akito: Tch

Monomiku: Ahem! Anywaaays~ Welcome to the Despair SEKAI everyone!

(What SEKAI..? Did she just say despair?)

Monomiku: Ohh you guys have me a confused look! Anyways! I'm the one who brought you all here!

Mafuyu: So is this why my screen flashing all of a sudden back where I'm in my room?

Minori: Ah-! How did you remember that!

Mafuyu:... Some reason...

Monomiku: Well yes of course! This SEKAI is a very very special one, you see! It has special rules and works kinda different that it normally does!

Emu: Ohh a special SEKAI? With special rules? What is it, what is it?

Monomiku: Ahahaha, you all wanna know don't you! So let me say it in other words~ This SEKAI is a killing game!


(And even more silence.)

(The room is filled with shocked expressions.)

(Ahaha she... she is probably just joking around to lighten the atmosphere.)

(Which clearly didn't work, quiet the opposite if you as me, since she sounded so serious for a second.)

Honami: Uhmm, Uhh Miku? Could you just stop joking, I-I hope you don't mind....

Monomiku: Oh dear, but who says that I was joking? Anyways if you want to leave so badly I'll explain the rules, hehe!

(She cannot be serious, she wants to drag the joke so far?)

Monomiku: Sooho~ it's really simple. There are two ways to for you to escape.

Monomiku: The first way, which is definitely the more fun and entertaining way, is that you get away with killing someone.

Airi: More fun? More entertaining? Killing someone? Miku I'm sorry but you are starting to sound kinda serious and like a psycho as well!

Minori: What are you talking about? Miku-chan!??

Akito: Urgh, stop messing around already! You are not funny!

Toya: Ahaha... c'mon the joke was funny at first now it's just getting kind of annoying..

(Everyone is talking into each other, I can't think clearly..)

An: This isn't getting anywhere.. My father is probably waiting for me, I'm leaving.

An: Huh..!?

{Just as An grabs into her pocket she finds it empty.}

An: Wh-what, where is it? Did I lose it in that science room or something?

(That doesn't sound good.)

Kohane: An-chan, what's wrong?

An: Kohane, I think I dropped my phone! How am I gonna leave without it!?

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