Chapter 1: A kindest hearted soul's disappearance [Daily Life] |||

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Tw: hanging and rope, please read on your own risk!!

[Third floor Hallway]

(I ran as faster as possible so that I could catch Tsukasa-san!)

(Once I finally catch up on him, I grab his arm by force)

Tsukasa: Gah! Let go! Let me go!

Kohane: Please! Calm down Tsukasa-san! Listen to me!

Tsukasa: How do you expect me to calm down while my parents are in danger! There all dead! And we all here next!

Tsukasa: I don't want to die here! I want  to get out of this place!

Kohane: I know... But! We'll be able to leave of we all cooperate!

Tsukasa: YOU'RE LYING!!

Kohane: Or we might get rescued before that!


(Tsukasa-san still yelled at me, but I look at him in determination)

Kohane: I'll get you out of here for sure! No matter what I have to do! I promise!

(And then that... Tsukasa-san stopped shaking, tears appeared of his eyes... Then he let sobbing and hugging me all of sudden)

(Of course I hugged him back, nothing to say, I'm just pissed off by Monomiku, how could she terrify Tsukasa-san like that....)

(It wasn't long until I heard someone calling my name)


Kohane: !? An-chan!?

(Not only An-chan is there, Shononome-kun, Aoyagi-kun, Saki-chan, Ichika-chan, Honami-chan and Shiho-chan also here... Why are they here? Oh...)

(After Tsukasa-san cried too much, he finally calmed down, of course Aoyagi-kun and Saki-chan accompanied Tsukasa-san back to his room)


[Dorm hallway]

(We were all standing there waiting for Saki-chan and Aoyagi-kun to come out of their Brother and senpai's room)

Ichika: Oohh.... That video sure is terrifying....

An: This guy! Why did he run like that!

Akito: I've never seen Tsukasa-senpai act like this before, he seems very terrified

(After we chatted more about the incident, Saki-chan and Aoyagi-kun exit to Tsukasa-san's room)

Ichika: How's Tsukasa-san doing? Saki?

Saki: Uhmmm, He's fine now... He's probably tired so he's just take a nap

Toya: Looks like Tsukasa-senpai fell asleep so quickly.

Ichika: Is that so? I'm glad....

Shiho: We might disturb him, we should go to the cafeteria and discuss about this

Saki: You're right! I can't believe that Monomiku would show some horrible and awful video to us!

An: Do you guys think that video is... Real?

Akito: I doubt it, but we should just go to the cafeteria now

Kohane: Yeah, let's meet up there

An: Good idea!

Ichika: Wait... Do we have to leave Tsukasa-san behind?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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