Bottle ୭ৎ

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Please please leave suggestions as I'm terrible lol :)

Billies pov:
I woke up as I heard whimpering coming from beside me. I turned over half asleep to Maddison to see her still asleep. It didn't take me long to realise she was having a nightmare. "Maddison, Mads wake up" I said moving hair out her face gently trying to wake her up. "Mads wake up baby" I said as her eyebrow's furrowed together before she quickly sat up gasping. She looked over at me as her eyes swelled up with tears. I opened my arms for her as she crawled over to me jumping in my arms as she cried. "Aw baby, It's okay it was just another bad dream Angel" I stroked her hair soothingly as I rubbed her back up and down with my other hand. I shushed her rocking her side to side. After a while her cry's turned into little Maddison cry's telling me she's slipped. "Your okay, mommy's here. Nothings gonna hurt you while I'm here" I said as she bawled her eyes out even more. Making my heart ache for her.

Lately her nightmares have been getting more frequent meaning shes now even scared to fall asleep at night. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts though when I heard babbles coming from her mouth meaning She's slipped further into her headspace. "My little baby" I said as I laid her down across my lap, as she laid her head on my arm. I reached over at the table beside my bed grabbing her binkie before slipping it between her lips, holding it there it for a few seconds so she doesn't spit it out. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. I looked over at the little alarm clock beside my bed as it read 8:54am. "Would you like a bottle sweet girl?" I said watching her eyes light up from hearing the word bottle. She squirmed around in my arms spitting out her pacifier as i picked it back up placing it back in her mouth. "Okay! okay! let's get you a bottle lovley" i said to her as i picked her up in her arms with her front to my front. I bent down grabbing Maddison's bunny stuffie off the bed before opening the bedroom door, as the smell of food hit my nostrils.

I walked down the hallway before reaching the kitchen where my brother and Claudia were sat eating breakfast whilst talking to one another while my mom was cooking something. "Oh hey Billie" finneas greeted as Maddison lifted her head up. "Maddison!" Claudia greeted as i took a seat next to Claudia with Maddison still in my arms. Maddison looked at Claudia smiling at her before dropping her head back in my shoulder holding her bunny close to her chest while suckling away on her binkie. "Don't be shy say hello" i told her bouncing my leg to get Maddison's attention. She lifted her head up as she held her arms out for Claudia to take her. Claudia looked at me for permission as I just shifted her into Claudia's lap. Maddison clung to her like a kola as Claudia booped her nose making Maddison giggle as Finneas noticed making him then join in. I smiled as I was so grateful for everyone excepting Maddison. I just couldn't be more thankful. That was one thing i loved about my family that they were so excepting.

"Would you like some breakfast billie?" My mom asked looking back at me for a answer. "I'm fine thanks, I'm not that hungry right now" I replied making her smile and nod getting back to whatever she was cooking. I looked back over at Maddison to see her playing with Claudia's necklace as Claudia rocked her side to side. I decided to take this as my chance to get up and warm some milk up for Maddison as she wanted a bottle before. But it didn't take long before Maddison was whining at me for leaving. "I'm not going anywhere baby" I said as she made grabby hands towards me thinking I was walking away from her. tear's started building up in her eyes. "Look Maddison your bunny" finneas said distracting her allowing me to walk away and make her bottle. I did it as quick as I could, pouring the milk into her bottle before placing it in the microwave to let it heat up.

Once it beeped telling me it was done I took it out screwing the lid on tight while also checking the temperature. "Perfect" I said to myself as I started making my way back over to Maddison. I hid it behind my back knowing as soon as she saw it she would start fussing. "Would you like to feed her?" I asked Claudia before taking my seat next to her again. "Really?" She asked sounding surprised. "Yea, here lay her down like that...and let her lay her head on your arm" I said helping Claudia get into a better position to feed her. "I don't know what to do" she asked sounding confused. "Don't worry it's easy, just stick the nib in her mouth and let her drink it" I said holding the bottle out for Claudia to take. "But quick because she can get fussy once she sees it" I said giggling as she already started squirming around in Claudia's arms as she saw the bottle. Claudia took it out my hands, placing the nib in Maddison's mouth allowing her to drink it as I watched Maddison physically relax in her arms. "Oh my god she's so cute when she's this little" Claudia said looking over at me. "Tell me about it" I said as I sat back in my chair.

Once Maddison finished her bottle Claudia placed it on the table, sitting her back up to face me. "Hey there" I said to Maddison as she laid her head against Claudia's chest making Claudia smile. "Binkie" Maddison babbled out telling me she wanted her binkie. I looked for it on the table before giving it to her. She took it out my hand before pushing it past her lips. "Does she always regress this little?" Claudia asked me. "Rarely. She usually does when she's under a lot of stress or when she gets scared" I replied making Claudia nod at me looking back down at Maddison. "I think she's falling asleep on you" I laughed as Claudia laughed with me. Maddison opened her eyes hearing my voice as she made grabby hands for me telling me she wanted to be held. I took her off Claudia, sitting her in my lap allowing her to fall asleep. "She didn't get much sleep last night I don't think" "how come?" Claudia questioned. "She's been suffering with nightmares for the past few weeks and she's not been getting a lot of sleep because of them" I said in response. "That explains why she's also regressing to this young age too" Claudia added "exactly" I said as Maddison started crying. "Hey hey what's wrong sweet girl?" I said sitting her up so I could see what's wrong with her, she just cried more and more. I stood up out of my chair with her in my arms bouncing her up and down hoping it might make her stop crying. But instead she just cried more. "What's wrong my little love?" I whispered in her ear as I left a kiss to her cheek. "Baba" she cried as she laid her head down on my shoulder. "You already had a bottle sweetheart" I said as she just continued to cry. "Okay love mommy will get you a baba" I said, walking over to the cupboard where I keep her bottles and sippy cups. I grabbed one making her try and grab it out my hands. "Not yet there's no milk in it, silly girl" I said as I poured milk in before placing it back in the microwave. She continued to cry her heart out as she was getting impatient. I lifted her head up out of my shoulder wiping the tears away that were falling down her cheek as she took her pacifier out her mouth dropping it on the table next to us. After a few seconds of waiting the microwave beeped, I took the bottle with milk out screwing the lid on not wanting her to wait any longer I passed it to her as she started to drink it straight away, her cry's calming down as she laid her head on my shoulder. "My poor baby. you just wanted your baba didn't you sweet Angel" I said once her cry's turned into hiccups from crying so much.

I walked into the living room where finneas was on his phone. "Hey fin" I greeted making him look up from his phone. "Oh hey bil. Is Maddison okay now? That was some serious crying she was doing" he asked sounding worried. "She's fine she just wanted another bottle" he giggled as he looked back down at his phone. "Didn't you?" I teased Maddison sitting down on the couch with her. I let her lay her front against mine as she continued drinking out of her bottle. I turned on the tv putting on a random show for me to watch while I waited for Maddison to finish her bottle. After a while I felt Maddison sleeping on my shoulder. Instead of moving and potentially waking her up I just let her lay there letting her get as much sleep as she needed. I removed the empty bottle away from her hand placing it down on the table as I continued to watch my show.


This one was very random i know I just wanted to get one out for u guys!! Anyway look after yourself and I hope you enjoyed <3

୭ৎ  𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ୭ৎWhere stories live. Discover now