Lightning ୭ৎ

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Once again I'm British so if something doesn't make sense I apologise :)

Billies pov:
I was currently at my brothers house finishing off some work for our next album, It was starting to get quite late and it had just started pouring down with rain. It was also thundering too with lightning striking ever now and then. I hope Maddison is okay as she's not the biggest fan of thunder and lightning but usually around this time she will be sleeping anyway so I won't disturb her, or wake her up to ask if she's okay and she hasn't text me or called me yet meaning she has most likely gone to sleep. Which I hope she sleeps through and this storm ends soon before she can wake up.

———mini time skip———

"Yea that's cool I like that idea" I said as my brother suggested something for the song we were currently working on. "One sec fin Maddison's just calling me and I need to make sure she's okay" I said quickly getting up panicking as I excused myself from the room. Fuck. I hope she's okay. "No worries" he called back out as I answered her call. "Maddison? Are you okay baby?" "Mommy i scared" and of course she's slipped. "Okay baby mommy's coming, I won't be long okay?" I said to her down the phone as she hummed in agreement. she let out a quiet "okay" before hanging up. I walked back into the room and grabbed my jacket and car keys before letting finneas know Maddison needs me. He told me not to worry as it's getting late anyway, I thanked him and headed out to my car. I threw the jacket over my head as I ran from his front door to my car hoping it would protect me from the heavy rain. Once I got in my car I quickly turned the engine on making my way over to her apartment, not wasting any time. Luckily her apartment wasn't too far from fins house making my life a bit more easier.

Eventually after 10 minutes of driving I parked my car up outside her apartment in the parking lot before quickly making my way through the building and using the elevator to find her room. Once I got to her door I used the spare key she give me to get in as I opened it up to see pitch black. I turned on the kitchen light to give me an idea of where to find her. "Maddison?" I called out as I peeped my head around the corner of her living room to just check if she was there, which she wasn't. I walked down the hallway to her bedroom as I ruffled my hair around a bit as it got a bit damp from the rain.

I stepped inside her bedroom to see her sat up in bed making grabby hands towards me. "Oh my sweet girl, come here" I quickly rushed over to where she was sitting while throwing my keys on her dresser. I sat down at the edge of her bed with my arms open for her. She didn't hesitate for one second before climbing over into my arms. She sat with her front against my front as I stroked her hair soothingly. "Mommy's here now baby" I said as she was hugging me tightly. Once I felt her physically relax in my arms I stood up walking over to her dresser once again.

I picked up a pacifier from it as I told her to lift her head so she can take it. She took it between her lips without hesitation as started to make my way back to her living room. The bright light in the hallway hit her face making her wince and hide her face away. "Sorry baby" I apologised as I turned the big light off and turning the little lamp she had in her kitchen on. I walked into the living room taking a seat on her couch with her still attached to my front like a kola. I placed her down on the couch next to me so I could take my shoes off. Once I took them off I placed them out of the way so no one trips over them before leaning back into the soft cushions making me feel more relaxed and at home.

Once I was comfy I looked over at Maddison to see her with her knees up to her chest and her chin resting on them. I smiled at her as she spoke up telling me she was hungry. "I hungry mommy" she said as she patted her stomach. "Okay baby what would you like me to make you?" I asked as she thought for a second. She tilted her head as she couldn't make up her mind, looking back at me. "Hey hey hey, it's okay Mads don't worry. Mommy will help you find something" I said as she was clearly getting a bit worked up. She mumbled a quiet thank you as I stood back up with her taking her hand as she followed me to the kitchen. I picked her up placing her down onto the cold kitchen island so she could see what I was doing. The cold tile made her wince as her bare legs came in contact with it. I giggled at her as I opened up the fridge door. "Okay let's see what we have in here" I said as I looked for something quick and easy to give her. "Hmm...okay what about some fruit?" I said as I looked back at her. She nodded her head eagerly telling me that's what she wanted.

I giggled at her as I took some strawberries and blueberries out along with a banana. I placed them all down on the counter before opening the pack of strawberries so I could rinse them under the tap before cutting them for her. I did the same with the blueberries before putting them all in a bowl along with her banana I cut up for her so she doesn't choke on anything. "Okay precious you take your fruit to the living room while mommy gets your blanket and pillows so we can snuggle up together" I said helping her down off the counter passing her her bowl of fruit. She took the bowl off me as she walked off with it. "Hold it with both hands Angel we don't want you dropping it now do we?" I teased as I watched her shake her head, concentrating on not dropping it. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. As she made her way to the living room I walked into her bedroom grabbing her blanket and a few pillows of her bed as I made my way back to her. I walked into the living room to see her place her bowl of fruit down onto the coffee table next to the couch before taking a seat.
I placed the pillows and blanket down before taking a seat too but before I could get comfy a strike of lightning struck making the room light up followed by the sound of thunder.

I felt Maddison jump a little as she got a hold of my arm squeezing it tightly. "It's okay Maddison, it's okay" "Your safe baby it can't hurt you in here" I said reassuring her to let her know she's safe. She buried her face in my side while she still had her grip on my arm. I gently placed my hands on hers, removing them slowly making her lift her head up. "Come on baby it's okay" I said as I sat back making myself comfy while moving a few pillows around. I spread my legs a little, patting my lap so she could sit in between my legs. She smiled at me before grabbing her fruit and crawling over to me, leaning her back against my front. Once we were both comfy I threw the blanket over us to keep us both warm as I turned the tv on for us. "What do you want to watch Angel?" I asked kissing the top of her head while I flicked through Netflix. "Umm...mermaid!" She said happily meaning she wanted H20. "Okay baby" I giggled at her excitement as I started to search for H20. "Eat your fruit angel" I said as I noticed she hasn't eaten any yet. She looked down into her bowl and picked up a strawberry, spitting out her pacifier so she could eat it.

———mini time skip———

Maddison had finished her fruit about 10 minutes ago but we were still watching tv until I heard light snore's coming from her. "Maddison?" I asked quietly checking she was asleep. When I got no response i gently took the empty bowl that she was holding in her hands and placed it on the coffee table being careful not to wake her up, while also turning off the tv. I then carefully and slowly pulled the blanket off of us so I could get up with her. I thought for a second on how I was going to pick her up without waking her up from her sleep.

I moved her off my lap and placed her down on the couch next to me so I could get up first before picking her up obviously not being careful enough as she whined while starting to open her eyes. "Shh go back to sleep baby" I shushed her as she placed her head in the crook of my neck, while also wrapping her arms around me. I walked down the hallway until we got to her room. I went over to her side pulling the duvet back so I could tuck her under it. I leaned down with her in my arms, placing her down into bed, thankfully she was still asleep. I pulled the duvet back over her while also leaving a kiss to her forehead and placing her little teddy under her arm. Once she was situated I walked over to the other side of the bed, I took of my hoodie leaving me in a white tank top I had underneath the hoodie and a pair of black joggers.

I then got into bed with her pulling her close to me. She turned over to face me while gripping my shirt. "I'm not going anywhere baby don't worry" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I wuv you mommy" she mumbled still half asleep making my heart melt. "I love you too baby" god I can't wait to marry this girl.


I hate this chapter so much omg. It's awful I know I'm so sorry! If you have any suggestions that would be so helpful :) Anyway hope your all well <3

(Please don't comment anything unnecessary)

୭ৎ  𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ୭ৎTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang