Sleepy ୭ৎ

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Please don't comment or point out anything unnecessary!! I'm a very sensitive person. Anyways hope you enjoy :)

Billie's pov:
I squinted my eyes open as a beam of sunlight hit my face. I rolled over in annoyance wrapping one of my arms around her small waist. I nuzzled my face into her long brown locks of hair, not getting enough of her smell. God I wish I could just stay here all day. I was drifting in and out of sleep rolling over to one side then the other side. I just couldn't sleep. I gave up and started to get up for the day. I carefully got out of bed not wanting to wake up the sleeping baby next to me. I left a kiss to her cheek before walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead.

As I came back into mine and Maddison's room to get changed. I noticed she had rolled over to my side of the bed still keeping her teddy close to her chest. After getting ready it was time to get Maddison up too. I leaned over to where she was laying fast asleep. Hair sprawled out all on the pillows while her free hand that wasn't clutching her teddy had her thumb in her mouth. I gently pulled her thumb out of her mouth as I encouraged her to wake up.

"Mads, come on baby wake up" "Maddison come on love, time to wake up" I noticed her eyes slowly start to flutter open, her face puzzled with confusion as she clung to her teddy. "Hey baby, come here" I slowly pulled her into my lap. Giving her a quick hug. "There we go, that's better" I murmured to her as she started to finally wake up. "Mommy i is still tired" she said while rubbing her eyes trying her best to try and wake herself up. "I know baby, I know" I shushed her as I stood up with her attached to my front, bouncing her up and down hoping that will wake her up. I walked down the hallway to the bathroom with her still attached to me, getting her toothbrush ready and putting on her strawberry toothpaste she loves onto her toothbrush. I set her on the counter as she winced at the cold tiles coming in contact with her bare legs. "Open wide for me...good girl" I praised as she let me brush her teeth for her.

After I brushed her teeth and brushed her hair,throwing it up into a pony tail I carried her back down to our bedroom to get her changed. "Okay here we go baby give me ur arm so we can put your top on" she complied as I also put her skirt and socks on. As I was buckling her shoes I looked up to see her trying so hard to stay awake. Her head dropping before she quickly picked it back up. Poor girl. "Such a sleepy baby huh?" I teased giggling at her. She nodded her head as she stuck her thumb in her mouth. "Your thumb is yucky Maddison, use this instead" I replaced her thumb with a pacifier before picking her back up to go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Maddison never really ate much at breakfast so I always made sure to never over load her plate with food as she can get overwhelmed easily.

———time skip———

We sat down at the table as she played with her pancakes. I sighed as I picked up her fork and started to feed her the small pieces of pancake with golden syrup on top. Sometimes she just needs a little push. she refused at first but complied as i told her she's not going anywhere until she's had some food at least. "That's a good girl, see that wasn't hard was it?" I asked as she ate the last piece of her pancake. She crossed her arms and dramatically sighed in annoyance at me, leaning back in her chair. I giggled at her reaction before picking up my fork to finish my breakfast. "Mama can I go play now?" She asked already standing up out of her chair. "Okay...but we need to leave soon okay?" She agreed before running of to her toys. While she played with some of her toys I cleaned up the house a bit making it look a bit more presentable by putting some dishes away,mopping the floor and putting the laundry away. We still had around half an hour left before we had to leave, so I decided to relax for a bit and check my socials. I flopped down onto the couch where Maddison was playing. Smiling at her singing to her stuffed animals before taking my phone out to go on Instagram for a bit. After a few minutes of scrolling through my phone I felt a tap on my knee to see Maddison sat infront of me with teary eyes and a pout on her face, dropping her pacifier onto the floor. I turned my phone off giving her my full attention. "Hey hey hey, don't cry angel what's wrong?" I asked pulling her into my lap. she didn't say anything but just cried. Hiding her face into my neck muffling her cry's as I ran my hands through her hair trying to soothe her in any way possible. After a while I started to realise she doesn't know why she's crying herself making it aware that she's tired. "Oh my. Someone is tired huh?" I began to stand up with her attached to me still. "No tired!" She said in her defence taking her head out of my neck. Yep she's tired alright. "Maddison you know that's not how we speak to mommy" I said keeping my tone stern with her but that only made her cry even more.

୭ৎ  𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ୭ৎWhere stories live. Discover now