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  Karl watches the shadow of a man in armor pass his room. He let out a sigh as he lost count how many times he saw a person pass his room. The bed creaks as he lays back down and stares at the black ceiling. The bed is fully made out of iron and the mattress on it is as thin as a blanket, making the bed even more uncomfortable then sleeping on the ground. He used to sleep on the ground, when he was a kid, but he got sick quickly because of it and ended up being scolded. So he eventually went back to sleeping on the uncomfortable bed.

"What you thinking of?" a boy next to him asks. Karl turns and faces the boy who looks exactly likes him. Though his name is different and so is his personality, they're still two of the same person. "Curious if I could escape, but they have put more guards in the hallways" Karl whispers back to his friend. His friend eyes widen, both in fear and admiration, "Running away from this place? This is our home, we have no where else to go and you heard the stories of the outside, it isn't better then here" the boy says. There is fear in his voice too now, he seems disapproving. But Karl just looks back at the ceiling, "Worse then this place?" he mumbles, having a hard time thinking of something worse then here.

When Karl was a young boy he was taken through a portal by people in suits, ever since then he hasn't seen his parents. Being German he had a hard time adjusting to the language he had to speak and the most difficult thing to get used to was to be surrounded by boys all around his age and all looking exactly the way he does. Everyone even has the spiral birth mark on their shoulder. Karl quickly gotten a number, 046. This is how people would call him from then on out. He was put in a group of six and in a room with the iron beds. There they got grey pyjamas and that was the clothes he would have for the rest of his stay there. He learned how to write, read and the propaganda from the organisation who took all of them. They learned how to use the futuristic weapons they all had and learned to obey all orders given.

Still, all of them knew they were special. Some were taken away after strange accidents and never seen again. Whenever one tried using them being important and special, they would be beaten down to be shown that no, they were nothing more then a mindless soldier to everyone around. Karl quickly learned to do what he was told, make sure his grades were high and he knew that he is nothing more then a cog in the machine. Those who spoke of escaping quickly learned that even if they pass the guards and get out, the outside would treat them like animals instead of humans. What would be a step down in many people their eyes. Still, Karl saw no difference between the two. A obedient animal and the way he was living are living the same life.

Karl closes his eyes, it has been ten years since he was taken, he is thirteen now and lost all memories of being a free child in Germany. Still, he did make some friends and though he couldn't show much of it while being watched by the organisation, when they had to sleep he could always have some sort of talk. Remembering that though the world sees him as nothing more then a soldier, one person in his life sees him for an actual human being. "I won't escape, I can't right now. So no need to panic" he tells his friend, who's number is 045. His friend never told him his actual name, he said he didn't want to want something more then he has now. Knowing he could never actually get it. Karl can hear his friend sigh in relieve and move in his bed, probably going to sleep himself. Karl closes his eyes and listens to the footsteps outside the room, the guards who would shoot him without hesitation if he shows himself outside of the room right now.

"Do not worry Karl Jacobs, I will free you"

Thank you for reading the prologue of Time Beasts. 
This is a non-ship story, mostly focused on the plot line and character development.
The first chapter will come out in a week, I hope to see you there!

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