《Chapter 7: Hoshi No Tama(Star ball)》

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Makes him kind of glad he wasn't in the front fire of it all. He couldn't tell anyone if he wanted to. The kitsune was the perpetrator but since she pranked a bunch of people through Kimi's body, how the hell is he going to explain that?

Their internal troubles cut to an abrupt end when a high-pitched scream could be heard from the other side of the shoe locker. Kimi panics and dashed to the other side of the lockers with Arata trailing behind.


It was a girl with a shoulder high, brunette hair. She cries out in terror as her right arm flails up and down.

They noticed that a locker in front of her was left open with tiny bugs crawling out of it.

Oh no....

It was the only 2 words they could think of. They immediately knew what was wrong, as well as the person behind it. Even though she wasn't with the two of them right now, that cunning fox still somehow managed to cause continuous chaos in their school.

Kimi lifts up her hand, about to try to help the poor girl out of the situation, but a certain pink haired teen beats her to it.

"Wait wait! Hold still, I'll pick it off!"

The girl immediately stops as the other teen holds onto her shaky arm. She then lightly brush off the little critters that were still crawling around on her skin.

Turning to the locker in front of them, the pink girl would reach her hand into the space and pull out the shoe. She proceeded to smack it against her leg, making sure all of the insects were gone before giving it back to her friend.

"There, see? They are not that scary Yama-chan!" She giggles to her friend. 'Yama' stared at her with a teary-eyed but thankful expression. "Mina..."

At this point there was a crowd of people watching the scene unfold. Kimi and Arata watch in silence at the display of the pink girl's bravery.

Kimi could've sworn that she had seen this girl before. Her pink hair and skin, dark sclera, golden eyes, as well as the noticeable horns that protrude out of her head was hard to miss.

Her mind clicked as her eyes widened in recognition. That's right! This is...

She had met the girl prior to the beginning of her.... freak accident. While Arata was away, some group of girls from another class dumped her food out the window, saying that "a quirkless wimp shouldn't deserve to eat precious food".

Ancient Creature [bnha/kitsune!reader insert]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें