Suspect: Chapter 32

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"Send it to this email address," Regina Morris instructed, scribbling down the address on a notepad page. She ripped it from the yellow pad and slid it over the table toward Julian. "I'll print it off our computers."

Julian retrieved his phone from the Sherriff and set to work, taking a screenshot of the message. He went to his email next and uploaded the screenshot, typing in the recipient email address. While he did so, Regina Morris engaged Gabriel in conversation, disseminating her plan concocted only the evening before.

"It's probably asking a lot," she offered in understanding, leaving the door open in case Gabriel decided he would rather not pursue the plan and put himself in greater danger.

"It's not," Gabriel replied. "You're right. If I don't at least do something, who knows how long this will persist. Things are hard enough right now. Let's not give S.A. more reason to make my life any more miserable."

"So, you'll do it?"

"Of course," he affirmed. "It's not like you're asking me to do anything too complicated. Just reintegrate myself among my friends. Though I suppose," he paused, thinking about how different his life in Shaw was now compared to before. "Not many people at school like me much anymore, so that might present a challenge. But I'm up for it. If it means catching this son of a bitch."

"It's sent," Julian interrupted their conversation. Regina inclined her head and went to the computer, pulling up her work email account and finding the new message in the inbox. She hit 'Print' and sent it to the printer.

Neither Julian nor Gabriel made a move to leave until Regina returned from the printer with the new piece of evidence. She disappeared into her office for a minutes, shuffled around her desk, moving papers around until she spotted Gabriel's file. She took it and returned to where the boys were at the front desk and slipped the printed text message into the plain, yellow coloured folder.

"This is everything we have on the case," she informed, tapping her finger on top of the folder that was labelled:


CASE NO.: 04072201

"Unfortunately, catching stalkers is more difficult than you would think and there isn't much to go on. That's why we need to go out on a limb to catch this guy," she explained.

"Does my dad know about this?" Gabriel wondered aloud. "I can't see him going along to this willingly."

"I haven't run it by him," Regina confessed. She straightened her pony tail and let out a deep sigh. "Since you're the one S.A. is targeting, I thought I'd hear your opinion first. I can always run it by your dad, tonight. Over the phone. I'm on shift all night."

"That'd be a good idea."


The young man was quickly approaching his limit. He had had enough of Nico Hoffman and his goons: Rod Maxime, Coby Becker, and Lyssa Isaacs. There were a few more, both from the soccer team and outside but they were not as important as the others.

He was fed up with seeing how they mistreated Gabriel. His sweet Gabriel and he would do just about anything to protect him. Gabriel did not deserve any of this and as much as the young man was tired of seeing it, part of him wanted to punish Gabriel.

No matter what he did it was never enough to capture Gabriel's attention. It was all about Julian. Always was Julian Stroup, always had been, and probably always will be unless he had something to say or do about it.

He had every intention of waiting it out. He had waited for five years for Gabriel to take notice of him and his feelings, and he might be able to wait longer. But the urge, that itch to possess Gabriel, to make him his and only his was beginning to grow stronger. It irked him, his jealousy mounting to dangerous heights whenever Julian's name fell from Gabriel's lips, or just seeing them together sent the young man into a blinding fury.

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