"You look gorgeous honey" Joanna tells him as he enters the room, she's smiling widely.

The boys turn and take Louis in,

"Always the rebel aren't you kiddo" Edward laughs as he pulls Louis in for a side hug

"I didn't feel comfortable in the suit" Louis explains.

The boys chuckle.

"You do you kiddo, whatever you want, you'd look good in a sack" Drew tells him as he ruffles Louis hair.

Louis smiles and James explains the process and what's happening, each of the boys have their own dedicated security, Louis and Drew will be heading to the venue together and Louis is thankful Drew will be there with him.

It's not subtle, their entourage is massive, but they make it to their destination without any hiccups. When they arrive, the place is absolutely packed to the brim with media and reporters. The public has also gotten wind of something and there is a crowd outside the destination.

Harry and Scott turn completely into work mode, and it makes Louis nervous, they are so intimidating.

They are escorted from the car park to a room behind where the conference will take place. The media is all set up in the conference room, cameras pointed to the small stage and the podium where James will speak.

"5 minutes" Jeremy comes in to tell James, James nods and then gathers everyone together,

"We all know what we're doing. Lou, you just stand between Drew and Andy, don't worry about anything okay" James tells them.

"Okay" Louis says, he then turns to Harry and Scott.

"Where will you be?" Louis asks nervously.

Harry and Scott soften and smile at Louis. Scott cups his cheek kindly.

"Right behind you, we promise. We won't leave you" Scott reassures.

Louis nods shyly in thanks, the boys, James, and Johanna all share a knowing smirk, completely missed by Harry, Scott, and Louis.

When it's time to go out, Louis heart is beating a million miles a minute. When they walk to the stage the chatter dies down. James and Johanna are first, then the boys. When they are in their positions the chatter picks up and the cameras flash nonstop, it's crazy. Louis watches as everyone calls out and goes wild. Drew subtly puts his hand on Louis back in comfort, Andy reaching out to do the same. He's so grateful for his brothers.

James addresses the media, and they all turn silent immediately.

"Today is a wonderful day for our family, today we get to announce the safe return of our son Louis. After being missing for the last 13 years, he has been brought home to us and we couldn't be more happy or grateful for the hard-working teams that made that possible" James says.

Then suddenly all eyes are on Louis and cameras are flashing intensely. He tries to smile shyly but he's so overwhelmed.

"We would appreciate some privacy at this time, Louis story is his story to share, if and when he feels comfortable" James says.

The rest is a blur to Louis as the media ask questions to James and he answers as best he can, Louis is at the center of all the questions, he tries to steady his breathing.

Finally, it's time to leave and Louis rushes towards Harry and Scott on instinct, cameras flashing as they exit. Harry brings Louis in close as they escort him from the stage.

"You did really well Lou" Harry reassures.

"Great job Lou, are you okay?" Edward asks as they all make it back to the room.

"I'm okay, sorry if I ruined anything" Louis says as he catches his breath properly.

"You didn't ruin anything honey, you were perfect" Johanna says as she hugs and kisses Louis on the head, he melts into her touch and lets her hold him.

"What happens now?" He asks.

"We've addressed the nation; it will be news and headlines for a few weeks and then things will settle down" James says smiling.

Louis is in awe of him, how the speaking and charm comes so easily, he's such a kind manor and it shows through, the public love him and it's very easy to see why.

"We need to exit quite quickly. Lou, we will take you first" Scott says as he reaches for Louis. Louis hugs his mum and then reaches for Scott's hand.

"We will meet you back at the house" James says, and Louis is then escorted out.

When they are safe in the car Harry turns to Louis.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm fine" Louis smiles.

"You did really well" Scott says.

"I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest" Louis chuckles.

The boys smile at Louis cuteness

"It can be pretty daunting up there can't it" Harry says.

"Yeah, they all are so good at it though, they just smile and say all the right things" Louis says.

"They've had years of practice sweetheart" Scott reassures.

"Do you think I'll ever be as good as them?" Louis asks.

"Darling, you were amazing today, you're going to be you and that's all anyone wants" Harry says gently.

"Thanks Harry" Louis says.

Harry and Scott smile widely at Louis and Harry kisses the side of his head.

When they pull up back at home, the boys have work to do and James and Joanna have a few meetings, so Louis makes himself busy in his room, Harry and Scott go to debrief their team, thankful that nothing bad happened and there was no sign of any terrorist threats at all.

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