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The four men were silent for a moment.

They suppressed their emotions and stayed in the hospital ward seemingly harmoniously for a while. It was until someone’s mobile phone rang, which broke the silence.

Ji Heng Yu went out to pick up a call from work.

Lu Wang Chen was silent for a moment. He raised his hand to pinch his brow, clicked his tongue, and said he would go outside to smoke a cigarette.

Qin Chu’s eyes darkened, but he didn’t say anything.

However, not long after Lu Wang Chen left the room, Qin Chu also went out to have his wounds treated.

Thus, only Jing Qian was left alone in the hospital ward to look after Xiang Yi Mo. He watched as everyone else in the hospital ward left the room one by one. Especially when he saw Qin Chu leaving the room, the unexplainable frustration in his heart dissipated and the air felt fresher.

Jing Qian sat on the chair at the head of the bed. His indifferent eyes were fixed on the little girl on the hospital bed as he sighed silently.

The thought of Qin Chu’s return and Xiang Yi Mo’s condition made Jing Qian increasingly worried. But in the face of that terrible condition, Qin Chu or whatnot paled into insignificance.

When he thought of Xiang Yi Mo’s illness, the man’s clear and elegant face became even more sombre.

At the very beginning, Jing Qian had actually thought of the worst, where he would still want to be together with Mo Mo even if he could spend three years with her. But as he watched Mo Mo fainting over and over again, even though he still had no regrets…

He realised that he simply could not bear to lose her.

Looking at Xiang Yi Mo’s unconscious state, he became even more desperate to find the means to save her inwardly.

Hence, he instructed other people to speed up the search or research.

After Jing Qian finished texting those people, put away his phone and looked up, he happened to meet the young girl’s gaze as she slowly lifted her eyelids and looked over. It was just that her vision was a little blurry.

“Jing Qian?” Xiang Yi Mo said languidly.

“You’re awake? Are you alright? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” The first person she saw when she woke up was hastily showing concern for her and pouring a cup of warm water for her.

There was a mixture of joy and worry in the bottom of his clear eyes.

“No, I don’t feel uncomfortable.” Xiang Yi Mo shook her head. The world before her and the man’s face gradually became clear. He took the glass of water from his hand and drank it. “Did I… faint again?”

Jing Qian responded with an “mm” and continued, “It’s the same as when your illness flared up previously. But since you were unconscious for a longer period of time this time, I’m very worried so I transferred you to a hospital ward. You should at least stay in the hospital for a day to observe, hm?”

A clear, calm voice with a strong note of concern swam into her ears. Her peach blossom eyes blinked, and her expression was tinged with warmth.

Xiang Yi Mo called out the man’s name again.

Her fingers, which were like the tender roots of green onion, <sup>[1]</sup> hooked onto his white collar, squeezing it hard and pulling his body towards her.

Their faces were very close to one another. Xiang Yi Mo rubbed the tip of his nose and comforted, “Don’t worry too much. I’m really fine.”

As she spoke, her breath, which had a fragrant scent, spilt onto the man’s face and entwined with the air around them, making him feel unbearably ticklish and hot.

The second the words left her mouth, she moved in to kiss his thin lips, invading his breath with a sweet fragrance.

His lips were moist, soft, and icy-cold. The kiss temporarily sealed away the man’s frustration and uneasiness.

Jing Qian’s breath hitched as his eyes darkened.

He placed his hand at the back of the little girl’s head, prying her teeth open and gradually deepening the kiss.

The tingling sensation of electricity spread between their lips and teeth, causing their inseparable breaths to grow hotter and hotter as a fire was set off by a lightning strike. [2]

The sound of approaching footsteps came to a screeching halt at the door.

[1] 如削葱根的手指-The literal translation is, “her fingers are like peeled green onion shoots./Her fingers were like the tender white roots of a green onion” It is a classic description of a pair of beautiful hands in traditional Chinese language.

[2] 天雷勾动地火(tiān léi gòudòng dì huǒ)- A fire was set off by a lightning strike. First, Lightning refers to a man’s desire and fire refers to a woman’s desire. So when it’s joined together, it refers to the irresistibility of the original instinct given by nature to human beings. Second, this sentence means that lightning will appear when the volcano erupts. The ancient people conclude that  lightning and fire is a spectacular natural phenomenon.

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