The Dinner Party

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This family gathering is going to be the death of me. Normally I would love to catch up with family friends, but not Timothèe.

The two of us have been best friends since before I could even walk. We talk on the phone everyday and are constantly at each others houses. I guess we have our mothers to blame for our closeness. If it hadn't been for their friendship everything would be different.

Things were great between the two of us until this year. This year I realized I was in love and I know he feels the same. I can't explain it I just do. To make matters worse our parents are aware and so are practically any other human beings that are in the same room as us.

We stopped talking as much when the feelings got to strong. When our hands would brush and glances would linger.

Now I'm being forced to attend this ride family function that I know he'll be present at.

" Please be on your best behaviour Emma" my mom says as she knocks on the door and is greeted almost instantly my Mrs. Chalamet.

" Come in! Come in!" She says exitedly ushering us inside her lovely home. I can already seen at least 50 guests have arrived.

I look around awkwardly not knowing anybody. I've never not had Timothèe to talk to at these things and now I realize that I may actually have to get out there and make friends.

I make my way into the busy throng of people talking and drinking.

I scan the room for any sign of the very boy I've been avoiding but, of course I see know trace of him.

" Looking for someone?" A voice says. I turn and realize I'm inches away from a boy who looks to be about my age.

" Marcus. And you are?" He asks extending a hand out to me. He has blond straight hair and a perfect smile but, he also seems snobby and uptight.

" Emma" I say with a fake smile.

" How do you know the Chalamets?" He asks not bothering to take a step away from me to fix our close proximity.

" Timothèe has been my best friend since I was just a baby. And our moms are close" I say smiling politely

" Ah. My dad works with his dad" he says as if we're on the same level. As if he knows Tim just as well as I do.

" Let's grab a drink" he says. I don't like him. I can just tell he's stuck up.

" I don't drink." I say referring to the alcohol filled glasses.

" Oh come on don't be such a prude." He says grabbing my wrist.

" Marcus I'm really not interested" I say attempting to pull away. I look around desperately.

If me and Timothèe were still best friends I would be hanging out with him right now, and I would have never laid eyes on this dude.

Marcus doesn't let go of my wrist and I'm seconds away from kicking him in the crotch when I feel a hand wrap around my waist firmly. I swear to god if another man is trying to hit on me right now I'll scream. I think to myself.

I begin to pry the hand off of me but then I look up and see Timothèe. I immediately relax into his grasp and remove my prying fingers allowing him to hold me.

" Dude she doesn't want a fucking drink" he says reaching out a hand and slapping his grabbing one off of me.

" Wow man over protective much? She's not a child" Marcus says like the asshole he is.

" Your right she's not a child which is why she's saying she doesn't want to be touched or go with you" he says sharply.

" Oh but you get to come and touch her up all you want but I can't touch the girls wrist?" Marcus huffs nit letting it go. Timothèe is still holding my waist.

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