01. The Interview

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I woke up to the warm sun on my face. The bedroom of my apartment was bathed in sunlight. My cat Toby was snuggled up next to me on my messy duvet.

I rubbed my eyes groggily as I came too. It was Saturday which meant I didn't have to work. I could just relax all day.

I turned to my bedside table so that I had a better view of the window. The small picture frame that I had previously set there caught my eye.

It was a photo of my and Timothee on my birthday a few months ago. I had framed it because I actually felt pretty in the picture. Usually I feel homeless standing next to him. The picture also reminds me that he's still my best friend no matter how famous or popular he is.

It reminded me that he had an event last night. It was a red carpet event I know but I must've fallen asleep.

I went to check my phone only to realize it was dead. I reached for the phone charger scaring Toby off.

A few minutes later my phone buzzed too life and I was met by an overflow of text messages.

Twenty of them were from Timmy

Ten of them were from some close friends.

Another twenty from family ( my mom )

And over fifty from strangers on Instagram.

I opened my friends first. Did I do something wrong? Was it my birthday and I've just lost my mind?

Sarah: What did I tell you?"
Sarah: I told you so!
Sarah: are you not awake yet?
Sarah:   Get your ass you of bed

The texts from her continued but all of the failed to tell me what had happened. I decided to open Timmy's messages because I knew they would get straight to the point.

Timothèe💕:    I didn't mean to promise

Timothèe💕:    Taylor I'm so sorry

Timothèe💕:     I shouldn't have said all that on national television. That was stupid of me

Timothee💕:     Are you asleep??

Timothee💕: plz answer me Taylor

What the fuck did he do? This clearly all had to do with him. I opened instagram and the messages were more or less the same as all the others I've received so far.

Come get your man

Stealing Timmy from me you bitch

Knew it all along

I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. I did want to deal with this on my day off. I'll come back to it later I thought to myself as I flicked through the channels. There was one that was recalling the red carpet event last night so I immediately chose that one.

The announcer began talking and I relaxed into my sheets.

" wow so last night was an absolute whirlwind. If you missed it I'll catch you up on the drama. Timothee chalamet the fan favourite and the teen heartthrob confesses that he is in the love with his best friend. Yep you heard that right."

Everything else she said I ignored. As far as I knew I'm his only best friend. The texts the messages they were all starting to make sense.

I tried to talk myself down. Maybe he wasn't talking about me. And even if he was maybe he just made it all up for a good story in the press. Either way I had to talk to him. This definitely wasn't a conversation I wanted to have through a phone.

I texted him asking him to come over.


I cleaned my apartment, made my bed, did the groceries, picked up treats for Toby and lunch for me and watched a movie. I was doing anything and everything I could to keep my mind off of the situation until Timmy arrived.

Sure enough 1:30 rolled around and my best friend, the beautiful Timothee was sitting on my bed.

He looked exhausted and drained. Most of all he looked stressed. His brown curly hair was messy and hanging infront of his eyes. He had on a hoodie and sweatpants.

Should I be the one to start the conversation? That didn't seem quite fair when he was the reason we even had to talk in the first place.

The silence was broken when my cat jumped onto the bed and started licking Timmy's hand. Toby has always loved Timothee.

" he's missed you. You hardly ever come by anymore" I stated. He slowly lifted his head and I was able to see his sleep deprived eyes.

" I know" was all he said. He looked sad. " I'm sorry"

" do you want to explain to me what's going on?" I asked sitting down beside him. He turned and looked me in my eyes.

" I know I haven't been around a lot lately. I lied to you" he paused sucking in his breath. " I haven't been busy. I've been avoiding you" he turned to look at the floor in the last sentence. He was ashamed.

" why? Did I do something wrong?" I asked genuinely concerned.

" no. That's the problem. You never could do anything to make me upset with you" he groaned placing his head in his hands.

" what do you mean that's the problem" I questioned more confused then ever.

" I shouldn't have said all that last night. It just slipped out. When I'm out there talking to reporters I forget about the damage it'll cause back home." I noticed his shaking hands. This was stressing him out.

" Timmy it's okay. Just make a post saying it's not true." I smiled. His eyes met mine and in an instant I realized the problem.

" you were telling the truth weren't you?" It came out as more of a whisper.

" yeah. That's why I was avoiding you Taylor. I couldn't be around you every day. I just can't." He sighed.

We've been friends since grade nine. I've had a crush on him since then. His beautiful hair and gorgeous eyes. His cheekbones and his laugh.

" We can act like it never happened" he said standing up and making his way for the door. This was my only chance.

I shot up and rushed to the door in front of him.

" I don't want to forget it happened" I said breathlessly.

" you don't?" He said raising his eyebrow. He looked utterly confused and to be honest so was I.

" no I don't want to act like none of this append because I'm happy it did" I said slowly. He see,Ed to be processing what I was saying just as slow as I was talking.

" you are?" He paused looking unsure of what to do next

" yes timmy" I reassured him taking a step closer.

He smiled down at me and leaned in kissing me like it's all he has ever wanted to do.

Timothèe Imagines🫀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora