Drunk I Love Yous

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This party is deafening. The music, the lights and the people cheering are making for a huge headache.

Timothèe rubs his temples as he searches the crowd for his girlfriend. For the past hour he's been trying to go home, but he refused to leave Charlotte on her own. It didn't help that drunken strangers were throwing themselves at him begging for an autograph of some sort.

Timothèe hadn't had anything to drink already know Charlotte would. He didn't want them to have to take an Uber home and he wasn't going to drive with alcohol in his system.

He pulled his dying phone out of his pocket and tried calling her once more. No response. Just as he was about loose his mind he banged into her. The drink she was holding almost spilt everywhere but he was quick to catch it.

"I've been looking everywhere for you" he said bringing an arm around her protectively.

"My head hurts" she was slurring over her words and stumbling slightly. Realizing how drunk she was he carefully pulled the full cup of liquid out of her hands and handed it to a girl walking by.

"Did you just give a girl a drink? Are you replacing me?" She whined. She stumbled into his arms.

"Lottie let's go to my place okay? I don't want to leave you alone in your apartment" he said grabbing her hand and leading her to the door.

" Okay baby. Woah. Did I just call you baby?" She laughed. " Wow. I only call my boyfriend that" she said laughing more. Timothèe didn't bother trying to explain to her that he indeed was her boyfriend. It was better not to engage.

" Oohh that's a nice car" she said as he helped her into the passenger seat of his rolls Royce. "You must be rich. My boyfriend has a lot of money beacuse he's an actor. A really really famous and talented one. But I'm not a gold digger I love him for him" she said smiling so wide. Timothèe could have laughed at how truthful she was unintentionally being.

He danced around the fact that she had used the word love in her sentence. They had been catering for a few months but neither had said the words I love you yet.

" Do you know Timothèe?" She asks looking directly at him now.

"Yes I know him very well" he nodded keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.

"He's my boyfriend" she stated blankly. "My boyfriend. So don't get any ideas"

"Oh he's all yours." Timmy couldn't help but giggle a bit at her cuteness.

"I'm a model you know. I like to think I'm a good one but I'll never be as popular as Timmy. He's just always better than me at everything. I hope I'm good enough for him" she said.

Ne never had realized before what a talkative girl Charlotte became when this drunk. He was learning new things about her. Drunk words are sober thoughts he reminded himself. He never wanted her to feel any less special  then him.

"Your an amazing model love" he smiled genuinely. "Most beautiful I've ever seen"

"Oh gosh really? That's so sweet" she said smiling widely and kicking her feet like a child.

Timothèe turned the car into the driveway of his home and walked around the car to open her door.

" You live here? This is a mansion" she said an awe as if not remembering how many times she had been here before. "You must be rich" she said again.

" oh I don't think money matters" he said taking her hand and leading her into the house.

" your completely  right. Money never mattered to me. I only care about two things in life" she rants. Timothèe was in awe of how much talking she could do well intoxicated.

" and what are those two things" he asked skipping the key into the door.

"My career and my boyfriend. Did I tell you I have a boyfriend? Have you met him. He's soooo hot. I got really lucky. His name is Timothèe." He smiles and leads her up the stairs to his bedroom. She almost slips on the way up so he holds the side of her waist as they slowly climb the staircase.

" Hes french" she says matter of factly.

" oh he sounds really cute all right." Timothèe joked sitting her down on the edge of his bed.

" oh trust me he is. And I have a secret but you have to swear on your life not to tell a soul" Timothèe was getting worried now. He bent down to take off her heels for her.

"Why don't you wait to tell me until later" he smiled up at there placing her heels by the door. He didn't want her saying anything she wasn't ready to share out loud when drunk.

"Oh but I want to tell you now" she begged.

" Charlotte wait until your sober. Okay?" He says unzipping the back of her dress.

"Timmy I'm tired" she said remembering who he was all of a sudden.

" mhm me too. Let's get you ready for bed" he says helping her get her dress off. He grabs a shirt from his closet and gives it to her too put on.  Quietly they sat as he brushed her hair into a ponytail and tucked her into bed before laying down beside her.

" I didn't shower" she said.

" that's okay for tonight angel." He say pulling her closer into his chest.

" I love you timmy" she whispered. He paused. " you don't have to say it back."

" Charlotte your drunk" he breathed squeezing her close.

" Timothèe I love you" she said again.

" I love you too" he whispered gently kissing her forehead.

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