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(Decided to change Improvised Flame Breathing to Demonic Flame Breathing. Just thought it sounded better.)

Leaving the safety of the Village to Mitsuri, Y/N made his way to Tanjiro, quickly taking out any fish demons on the way there. But when he finally DID arrive, the entire side of the house they were in was blown apart, leaving only rubble to remain of the once pretty structure.

Y/N: "Damnit, please still be here."

Y/N hides behind a large piece of rubble, focusing on his senses so he can decide if he should engage or find Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Now that's what you call a fine view! All right! Now there's nowhere left for you to scurry around and hide!"

Y/N: (That's...Karaku? Is that what his name was? I'll just call him Leaf for now. But that's good. That means they haven't split again-)

Before he could finish that thought, Y/N heard what sounded like wings flapping closer to the original voice...

Y/N: (Fuck. That means there's at least three. Leaf, Staff, and Bird. Staff and Bird shouldn't be a problem, Bird makes too much noise and Staff needs his...staff, to touch the ground before he can use his lightning...Leaf is where it gets difficult. Okay. I think I can handle those three.)

Y/N listened a bit closer and heard what sounded like Tanjiro's voice nearby talking to Nezuko, which was all he needed to decide to attack.

Jumping from behind the rubble, Y/N quickly ran behind the Pleasure Demon he'd nicknamed 'Leaf', and crushed his head before he could realize he was there. Only then did he see that is wasn't three demons he was fighting, it was all four.

Y/N: "Shit-"

Y/N barely dodges a spear head towards his head before placing his foot just above it's head and slamming it down, breaking the spear, allowing him to forget about it and quickly scan his surroundings.

Y/N: (Spears disabled, Leaf is regenerating, Bird is gone...I need to take his staff away.)

Y/N rushes the Anger Demon, but jumps to the side a bit to narrowly dodge a pair of talons, before quickly snapping the Anger Demon's staff with a kick. Catching the broken half mid air, Y/N immediately sticks it into his opponents throat and jumps away to dodge another talon, only to be stabbed to the back by a spear and blasted away by a gust a wind.

Y/N uses two blood arms to stop his momentum and flips mid air to land on his feet, looking to see that Leaf and Staff has already regenerated.

Y/N: "Hm. You heal slower than I do. That's a bit of a surprise."

Pleasure: "You're cockier than I remember, Mini Akaza! Look how much he's grown, Sekido!"

Sekido: "I don't care how much he's grown. He's an enemy and he needs to be eradicated, not conversed with, Karaku!"

Sorrow: "...I hoped I'd never have to see your poor tortured face pains me to look at it."

Y/N: "Wow. Harsh much?"

Noticing there was only three of them, Y/N glanced up to see Joy circling both him and the other three Emotions.

Joy: "I find his face amusing! The way he tries so hard to keep a straight face but looks at us with disgust despite all that effort!"

Y/N: "....Can we just get this over with?"

Karaku: "I wish, But Master Muzan wants you back alive. It'll be a LONG trip back to the castle, so why not get to know each other!"

Y/N: "Okay, I'm done. You guys are terrible at distracting people."

A blood red tendril shoots from Y/N's back and into the air, catching Joy by the foot and throwing him to the ground.

Demons Among Slayers? (Male Demon Reader x Kimetsu No Yaiba)Where stories live. Discover now