descriptions to understand the story more ig

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(I would recommend reading this so the story is more understandable since it doesn't mention a lot of this stuff)

The main places that the villains (general disarray, professor chaos, and the coon) have their bases is the mall, a bunker in the forest, and an abandoned house.

The only two heros are mysterion and toolshed. Or that's what we all think..

The coon became a villain when he was 14.

Mysterion and toolshed know each other's identities.

Professor chaos knows his teams identities but they don't know his.

Theres a spell where you cant know identities until it's revealed or they are demaked. For example: Kenny wouldn't be able to look at professor chaos and know he looks like butters. Basically the spell makes them blind to it. (I kinda made this up)

None of them have powers if you don't count mysterions immortality.

General disarray found out toolsheds identity because he saw stan changing out of costume.

Kenny = mysterion

Butters = professor chaos

Cartman= the coon

Stan= toolshed

Dougie = general disarray

They don't remember mysterion/ Kenny's deaths.

Mysterion has a base in the woods, but he barley uses it.

They are well trained, and pretty strong. (Even Cartman, he has a bit of muscle)

Butters personality basically changes when he's professor chaos. He's more confident, cold, and gets in trouble. Something he would never be like as normal.

Butters uses being a villain as an escape from his personal life and it makes him feel better (same for mysterion)

Professor chaos wants revenge on the world. For "doing him wrong" but would never want to hurt Kenny. He will always have a soft spot for him even as a villan.

The villains have killed mysterion a number of times.

They arent afraid to kill.

(Ik these are obvious but idc. Also Imma add more to this as the story progresses. You can go back to this if your confused at all)

don't mess around. (bunny/ mysterion x professor chaos)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant