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(Mysterion/ Kenny's pov)

Butters is acting weird and it's worrying the shit out of me. Seriously, last night I didn't even get sleep. I care about him so much and for him to act differently from his sweet self makes me worry so much. To be honest, I don't even know when I started worrying. I feel like it's every night after I have fought with professor chaos. Is it cause I'm not spending time with him? Last year I started going out as mysterion more. Maybe it is me.. maybe I'm making him upset or something. Well fuck. (I kinda self projected here)
Also, yesterday he straight up lied to me. Well, not necessarily me but.. he lied. I know damn well he doesn't have brothers. But why the hell would he be in a empty middle school? It just doesn't make sense. I'll ask him about it I guess..

I look up at him as I'm holding him, "so.. my sister told me something" I lie, "did you lie to her or something?" His eyes widen, "uhmm.. it's just- I didn't know what to say!" I sigh, "babe, you don't have any siblings, you've been acting weird lately.. is there something wrong?" I look into his eyes and I can instantly see if something is wrong. And there is. He looks down, "i.. I'm just under stress.." the same excuse everytime. "Is it your dad..?" I ask and he nods quickly, "yeah, i- it is.." I hug him tighter, "oh dear.. you can always stay with me.." he shakes his head, "no-! It's f-fine.."
He sounds nervous.. jeez. If I wasn't worrying a lot before i definitely am now. "Whats going on? Can you please tell me..?" He sighs, "my dad doesn't like the fact that I'm dating you.. yknow.." (not butters being manipulative 💀) that makes sense I guess.. maybe I'm causing him a lot of trouble. Well shit.. he looks up at me, "can we not talk about this? I wanna cuddleee.." I smile, "okay buttercup"

(Butters/ professor chaos pov)

As we are cuddling a get a call, I tun on my phone. Dougie? "Sorry kenny.. I have to take this call aha.." he looks at me, "is it your dad?" I nod nervously, "can you maybe uh.. leave the room?" I definitely don't want him hearing this.. "yeah, but tell me if something happens please.." he says. I smile "Okay." He leaves the room.
I answer the call before it can go away, "what is it?" I whisper into the phone. I hear cartmans voice, "we've tried calling you-.. anyways.. we found out toolsheds identity and general disarray is planing something we need your help." "Whats his identity!?" I whisper again. "Stan Marsh." I gasp, "stan? Holy shit."then I hear general disarrays voice, " what if we make a surprize stop at his house? Maybe hm.. kidnap him until he reveals mysterions identity? He might know it." Stan's my friend.. what do I say?.. I have to do it. "That sounds fun. How about we meet up tonight? I'm with my boyfriend right now, I just need to make sure he uh- doesn't know" I laugh nervously.
I hear cartman snicker, "have fun with you bo-" "shush coon." General disarray interrupts. I roll my eyes, "okay. I'll see you tonight I guess. Well do what we said right?" "Right." General disarray says and I hang up the phone.
I open the door and smile, "kenny you can co-" .. is he fucking crying? (DW IM ACTUALLY GONNA POST AGAIN TODAY 😭)

don't mess around. (bunny/ mysterion x professor chaos)Where stories live. Discover now