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(Mysterion/ Kenny's pov)

Goddamnit I'm sick of this. Honestly, I think it's now the 3rd time i was killed by professor chaos. I wake up in my bed and rub my eyes. I have a fucking headache. The last thing I remember is professor chaos taking off my mask. Something wasn't right about that though.. he.. I could see the fear and sadness in his eyes. But why? This is gonna bother me for a long time. Definitely. That's probably the closest I got to look at that assholes face, but of course I had to get shot in the head and I was too focused on the pain. Though, all I remember is him looking familiar. Too familiar..
I don't know who it could be still. Fuck. He has some beautiful eyes. It reminds me when I look into butters eyes.. No!! Fuck. I can't let him get to me. That would probably be an advantage to him anyways.. oh, and I forgot.. I'm now gonna be the talk of the town for a while. Everytime I die by professor chaos they always remember something different. Its just part of my curse. No one remembers when I die. I go and check my crappy 11 year old phone and check the time, 7:00. Okay, I'll go to school then..
I get up and just put on my parka and brush my teeth. That's really all I do. I look in my crappy mirror. I look.. alright like always. Though, everytime I die I get a new scar. Nobody had seen my scars before. Well shit, this new one is.. disturubing-  I fix my hair the best I can and check on my sister. "Hey you ready to go?" I say as I walk into her room.
"I am!" She relies and walks over to me. I take her hand and walk to her to her school. I can't believe she's already in 6th grade..
I walk with her cause I don't trust some creep won't kidnap her or something. We get close to her school and I turn to her. "Remember, if those boys bother you tell me. I'll beat their asses." She nods, "got it. I'll see you!" I wave good bye as she runs into her school.
I walk towards school, stuffing my hands in my pockets.
It's now 8:10. I'm a little early. I had just walked into class and I already hear people buzzing about how professor chaos tried to reveal my identity , or he tried to push me off a roof, or how I beat his ass and escaped, all of it being far from the true story. And all of them different. That's how rumors are. In reality, only I know the true story.
I see butters walk into class and smile. Oh boy am I so glad to see him.
I wave to him and I see his sweet smile. God I would do anything to see that smile.. he walks over and kisses my cheek, "hey ken" he sits next to me.

(Professor chaos/ butters pov)

I'm so pissed right now. Mysterion fucking escaped!! That coward. He Ruined all my plans.. I hope seeing kenny at school makes me feel better.. i walk into the class room and look around for kenny, when I see him I smile warmly and walk over to him. I plant a kiss on his cheek, I smile even more. He looks so fucking sweet.. "Hey ken" I say before sitting down.
He smiles, "hey buttercup. I tried to visit you yesterday, where were you?" Fuck. Now I have to come up with some stupid excuse. "I uh.. had to do something with my parents, and then the whole thing happened with professor chaos and mysterion so I wanted to see what was up. Don't you think mysterion looks cool?" I ask without thinking. That caught myself off guard. What was I thinking..? Damn I'm stupid.
Kenny smiles, "yeah he does." Why did I say that though!? I fucking hate mysterion so much.. he ruins everything. I think my anger showed on my face when kenny asks, "hey you okay?" I nod slightly, "yeah I am. Just tired.." that's not really a lie. I'm fucking exhausted. Kenny pats my head, "I'm sorry buttercup." I take his hand and hold it, "it's okay, love."

(Sorry it's a bit short.)

don't mess around. (bunny/ mysterion x professor chaos)Where stories live. Discover now