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(Professor chaos pov)

"FUCK HE MUST HAVE CALLED THE COPS!!" The coon yells, the sound echoing throughout the mall. "SHHH" I put a hand over his mouth, "I'll take him back to my base, general disarray, can you remove the footage from the cameras? NO ONE needs to know what happened to mysterion." General disarray nods, "will do." I turn to the coon, "cartman, go home. And don't open that big mouth of yours. Got it?" He nods and rolls his eyes, "got it."


I take him back to my base and tie him up in a chair. He still hasn't regained consciousness yet. I'll wait till after school tomorrow.. I wanna see the look on his stupid little face.. I smile to myself and sneak back home, climbing up a tree to get into my room, like kenny always does. He makes it look to fucking easy.. I miss him. I'm gonna call him. I get changed and put my costume into my drawer.
I pick up my phone and call him, no answer. He's probably busy, or his phone isn't working again. Cartman got him a phone when we were in like, 7th grade. So it's old. I'll just talk to him tomorrow I guess..
I hear someone going up the stairs and I recognize the footsteps. Fuck.. it's my dad!! I put my phone away and quickly lift the covers over me and close my eyes.


I head into school and look around for kenny. Where is he..? I mean, he might just be late. I go up to stan and kyle, "hey fellas! Have you seen kenny? He didn't text me back last night" Kyle shakes his head, "nope. He's probably out working, his parents are really hard on him every time he doesn't make money" i look over at stan and see that he's nervous and hyperventilating. Kyle takes notice too, "Dude are you okay?" Stan nods, "I just need a minute, he says and runs off into the bathroom"

(Stan's pov)

Ever since last night I've been all anxious. I know kenny said for me to go no matter what, but what if something terrible happened!? It would be all my fault.. I mean, I've been told countless times that he is immortal but I just can't bring myself to belive it, I really.. really hope he is though. Wait, I forgot about that cartman was also in there. I might be able to get information out of him! I need a plan though.. I have one but.. I don't like it. I have to though.
I go up to cartman and grab his shirt, "I heard news last night. News that something happened to mysterion fatass, what did you do!?" Cartman smirks, "what? Are you one of his gay little fanboys? And plus, I know nothing" I sigh, "I do really admire him, now I know your the fucking coon, tell me what happened so I can fucking call the cops"
"Woah, something happened to mysterion?" Clyde turns to us and asks. Yes!! My plan was to get people to know!! "Yeah. And we all know this fatass is the coon. I know that he knows something" Clyde turns to bebe, "babe, apparently cartman must've did something to mysterion" She gasps. My plan is working well..


At class I ask the teacher to go to the bathroom. He won't notice that I'm gone for long.. i go to the bathroom and take my costume out. Perfect.. I need to get word to EVERYONE in town.

(Butters/ professor chaos pov)

I hear people murmuring to eachother during class. Is there drama? I overhear tweeks conversation with craig, FUCK THE NEWS CAME OUT THAT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO MYSTERION. I KNEW THAT FATASS COULDNT KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT.
Someone knocks on the classroom door and the teacher opens it. I see toolshed enter the classroom. What the fuck!? I try my best not to look pissed.
"As you all may know, something happened to mysterion. I've called the police and there is now people out looking for him. We would love it if we could get more people to help. Thanks." The teacher nods and toolshed leaves. FUCKING SHIT. IM IN SO MUCH TROUBLE IF THEY FIND HIM.
An announcement goes up on the speakers, "school is now canceled for the day, one of our superheros is missing and we need safety for our students. Thank you."
I'm gonna beat cartmans ass. Later though. I need to take mysterion out of my base. If they find out it's me, I'll be in jail for the longest time..


I enter my base, now dressed as professor chaos, "well mysterion it looks like your awake. Your little friend is trying to foil my plans.. I can't let that happen can I?" I can see his angered expression, "if your gonna kill me do it now!" I laugh, "kill you? Oh no.. I would never" that's a lie, of course I'm gonna kill him. He's a nuisance to this world. "OH YE-" I tape his mouth shut before he can say anything, "you. Are coming with me"
Honestly, I'm kinda glad toolshed got people's attention. Now I can reveal mysterions identity and kill him infront of everyone..
I take kenny to the top of the highest building in Southpark, the hospital. I obviously caught peopled attention cause people are now crowding around the hospital. Many familiar faces.. I also got general disarray to hold mysterion down better. I see the cops armed guns at me. I take out my own, " PUT THE GUNS DOWN OR ILL SHOOT." I put the gun up to mysterions head. "OH ILL SHOOT YOU ALL ON SIGHT" I threaten. I turn to General disarray, "take his mask and hood off" he nods and reaches for his hood. When a bullet peirces through his hand.
He grabs his hand in fear. "I SAID I WOULD SHOOT" I yell to the crowd. There's people crying, people yelling. It's like music to my ears. Then I feel something come loose from my arms. I look up and see mysterion looming over me, the crowd cheers. He just starts to walk towards me, I almost slip off the edge, "thought you could win chaos? I don't fucking think s-" I shoot my gun through his forehead and he falls back. I DID IT!!
The whole crowd gasps nobody moves though. Cowards they are. South park is full of them.. I pick up mysterion and take his hood and mask off. I freeze. Tears well in my eyes.



don't mess around. (bunny/ mysterion x professor chaos)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें