Chapter 8: Dinner

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"I still don't understand why I have to join." Helbram sighs.

"You always join us for dinner, I don't know why today would be different." I reply.

"There's no telling what could happen. What if they like fairy wings? I don't have my powers, I can't read their minds, or defend myself if needed." Helbram crosses his arms.

"Vulnerable?" I ask.

"What? No, of course not! What a stupid idea." Helbram looks upset, maybe offended.

"Do you think she will be nice?" I ask.

"Humans aren't typically nice."

"So, you think she will be mean?" I ask; Helbram just sighs as we talk into the main hall, finding my brother. "Big brother." I say.

"Hm?" He turns his head, he looks stressed. "Y/n, Helbram."

"Well, don't you look confident." Helbram smirks.

"And you don't look very formal." Brother crosses his arms.

"Brother, is she scary?" I ask.

"No, why do you ask?"

"You look scared."

"Pft." Helbram chuckles.

"I haven't seen in her a while, I'm more so nervous than scared." Brother answers. "Do you not remember her?" I shake my head. "That's a shame, I remember you two-" Suddenly the doors open. "Hm, well it would look like they've arrived." Brother mumbles.

"Well, if it isn't Noah, been awhile hasn't it, runt?" A man who's bigger -both in height and muscle- than brother. "Or should I say, King Noah, now?"

"Ciel." Brothers voice sounds angry. "I should've known you'd be here too."

"He, you are marring my baby sister tomorrow, would you expect me to stay at him? Especially when the person she is marrying is... How do I put it? Let's just say, some filthy failure of a man like you."

"Huh?" Me and Helbram both look confused.

"Now, now, don't you two start fighting already." A soft sweet feminine voice. Brother's face instantly turns red as a young girl walks up to him. "Hello Noah, it's nice to see you again after all these years. I must say, I am rather glad to see you haven't changed very much." She has pale yet very vibrant skin; her cheeks and lips are a rosy red. Her hair is waist-length, it's copper colored and wavy. She's taller than Helbram but a lot shorter than brother and I.

"Pleasures all mine, you look as beautiful as ever." Brother is acting weird; I've never seen him like this before.

"Tch." Ciel, her brother, doesn't look very happy. "Let's get a move on, I'm not looking forward to this meal."

"He hasn't changed much either, huh?" Brother asks.

"Nope, that's Ciel for you." She seems to nervously laugh.

"Hm?" Ciel stops in front of me and Helbram. "A fairy?"

"Tch." Helbram raises his head, not as some greeting or to look up at him but almost like an animal would when it's trying to show dominance.

"Yes, this is my little brother personal knight, Helbram." Brother says.

"I see, is this place really that bad off? You can't even find a human to protect him."

"I guarantee you; he was not cheap." Brother crosses his arms. "And personally, I like the thing."

"Thing?" Helbram tilts his head to see brother.

"Let's get going." Brother sighs as he starts walking, the rest of us follow him, including 3 knights that came with Ciel and Amanda.


"Well at least the food doesn't look like it will poison us." Ciel complements?

"WeLl At LeAsT tHe FoOd DoEsN't LoOk LiKe It WiLl PoIsOn Us." Helbram mocks under his breath making me smile.

"Y/n, it's lovely to see you again, look at how much you've grown." Amanda smiles.

"Huh? Have we met before?" I ask. She softly giggles.

"Yes, but I'm sure you were too young to remember those days. You've grown into an adorable young man."

"Except he looks like the wind could beat him in a fight." Ciel mutters.

"I know a little girl who could beat you in a fight using nothing but wind." Helbram says.

"Hm? A weak fairy I presume." Ciel says.

"If I see her again, I'll let her know you said that, or better yet, I'll tell her older brother instead." Helbram smiles, no, he smirks.

"Helbram." Brother says. "I know he's... Fun to deal with but try to keep calm."

"I am calm, but you shouldn't be, he just insulted your little brother, shouldn't YOU be the one to defend him?" Helbram crosses his arms.

"I know." Brother sighs.

"Huh? He insulted me?" I ask with a confused look, resulting in Helbram sighing and looking at me with a strange look.

"Ciel." Amanda says. "Can you be nice for one night?"

"I'm saving that card for tomorrow." Ciel replies, Amanda sighs. "Hey, kid?"

"Huh?" I answer.

"Go get some ale."

"I don't know where we keep that, sorry."

"Polite kid, at least he has manners, even if useless."

"Tch." Helbram bites his nail, seemingly annoyed. "I can't wait until I can make you bite your own tongue." Helbram mumbles.

"Huh?" I look at him confused.


Back in our room, Helbram is... Less than happy.

"That bastard, he's the kind of human I hate the most." Helbram punches the wall. "High and mighty, I want to take him down... No, I want to rip him off his high horse."

"Hey, Helbram? I don't think it's very polite to talk about hurting someone."

"I know you don't understand all the shit he was saying and calling you-"

"Yeah, he was being really mean to me. But he isn't the one who's going to be staying in the castle with us, so why should I care about it? I just have to deal with him for another day or so." I give Helbram a closed-eyed smile.

"...Y/n..." Helbram sighs. "I don't understand how you could sit there and take that."

"If I'm fine with it, then why are you getting so upset with it?"

"Because a disgusting human like him, doesn't have the right to talk to a prince like that."

"...A prince...?" I mumble.

"Aren't you a prince?"

"Yeah, but you've never called me that before. It was surprising."

"Don't like it?"

"N-no! I... I don't know, I think it makes me happy." I smile.

"...Hmm... Prince Y/n, I really think you shouldn't let him talk to you like that." Helbram pats me on the head.

"Tomorrows going to be a lot, are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" I ask.

"I'll try not to kill anyone." Helbram jokes? I smile.

"Even though I don't care about him insulting me, it still makes me happy that you want to stand up for me."

"..." Helbram looks away from me as he pats me on the head. "Somebody's got to do it, since you won't do it for yourself." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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