Chapter 7: Y/n Pov.

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"Hey, you up yet?" I hear somebody ask.

"Huh...?" I mutter.

"It's almost time for breakfast, isn't? Don't want your brother getting mad, do we?" It's Helbram.

"Oh, okay." I sit up and yawn.


"Good morning, big brother." I say as we walk into the dining hall.

"Yeah, good morning, or whatever." Helbram sighs, why is it so hard for him to be proper, I sigh.

"Well, good morning, you two." Brother says as we sit down, his voice sounds a little raspy today.

"You sound tired, did you not sleep well, brother?" I ask. Helbram starts eating quickly like usual.

"Thank you for asking, no I've been a little stressed out recently and today is so important, it's kind of nerve racking." Brother explains.

"What's so important about today?" Helbram asks before stuffing his mouth with fruits.

"Oh, that's right, you don't know about my brothers betrothment yet!" I smile, he instantly chokes on his food. He clears his throat.

"Betrothment? You mean that guy is getting married?" Helbram's expression is strange, I don't think I've seen it before.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Brother asks, his expression looks... upset? Maybe angry?

"I just don't expect any girls to want to touch you." Helbram says before smiling. "Oh, wait that's right, betrothment means forced marriage, right? That explains it." He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair, I look over to brother, he is definitely angry.

"I doubt you have even seen a girl undressed."

"Why would I want to? I couldn't care less."

"Oh, I thought fairies had a long lifespan, are you saying you really haven't ever touched a woman? That's well, depressing."

"You humans are so greedy and lustful; we fairies just don't care for these traits."


They argued for the rest of breakfast. I don't understand how two people can argue about touching girls for so long but, they managed to do so, I think it ended in a draw? We head to my room; my brother needs me later so I figured I would go ahead and get my homework done, however as I sit down, Helbram seems to have a question.

"What's the point of a betrothment?"

"Huh?" I turn towards him.

"If humans have such short lifespans, then shouldn't they just marry someone they love? Why are they forced to marry?" Helbram asks.

"Oh, well..." I look down at my lap. "I don't really understand it either. But... before the castle was finished and we still lived in our old village I think the girl Noah is marring used to be his best friend, I know she is from there."

"I see, humans are so strange." Helbram says as he grabs a book and starts reading it.



"So, fairies don't do marriages and things like that?" I ask looking back up at him.

"No, we don't even have children, fairies are born from flowers, there's no need for such pointless things."

"I... Okay." I look at my desk and set everything up.

"Are you betrothed?" Helbram asks.

"No." I answer.

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