Chapter 1: Imprisonment

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Helbram's pov:

My head hurts really badly. I open my eyes to see a dark room, completely pitch black, I can't see a damn thing. I try to move my hands only to realize there tied, actually... Everything's tied, there's something in my mouth too, damnit why can't I remember what happened? Suddenly a large bump from underneath me sends whatever it is I'm in, onto its side. Ow fuck, damnit. So, I'm in a box, eh? Did some humans kidnap me while I was asleep or something? Why can't I remember anything and why does everything hurt?

The fogginess in my head and ears is clearing up, I can hear horse hooves hitting the ground now, so I did get kidnapped, that's just great, maybe they'll rip my wings off, and this hell will finally be over.

Scream Rip Snap

Damnit, just go away. Those annoying, painful sounds won't stop echoing through my head, it's been over 400 years since that day from hell happened and it still won't stop, it only grows louder and louder, I can barely hear myself now.

Suddenly the hooves stop and a few seconds later the box is opened, the light completely blinding me.

"Yeah, he's still alive." A male voice says as he reaches down, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the box.

"Fairy wings alone are worth tuns, a dead fairy is worth even more, but a living one? Heh. Well done boys." Another guy says as he lifts my chin up to look at his ugly face. Great the black market, just what I needed. I try to summon my holy tree sword but, I can't, now that I'm trying to, I can't use any of my powers, what the hell is this!? "Aww, someone looks panicked." That smirk on his face, I want to rip it off.

"He can't use his powers." The first guy says, catching my attention.

"Very good, so that's what this clip on his wings is I'm guessing." Clip on my wings? I can't move them.

"Yeah, it blocks access to their powers without damaging the wings. Leaving them powerless, and flightless." Damnit this isn't good.

"Let's take him inside, the auction will be in a week, then you'll get your money." The first guy nods as he puts me back in the box, closing it. An auction? This really isn't going to end well.

They carry the box I'm in for a few minutes until I hear the creaking of maybe a door? Sounds similar to a prison door, before I can figure out which it is, the box is dropped, which did hurt I'll admit that. The box is opened, and I'm pulled out of it onto a cold concrete floor, this really is a prison cell.

"You sit there and be a good little fairy. Okay?" The marketer says as they leave the cell, closing the door behind them. Well, this sucks. It's cold, it's dark, I can't move, I'm getting hungry, and it's so quiet in here that it seems to be making those noises so much louder. A week, I have to deal with this for a week before I find out if I'm going to finally die...great.

Scream Rip Snap

Scream Rip Snap

Scream Rip Snap

Scream Rip Snap

Throughout that week this was the only thing I could hear.

Scream Rip Snap

Scream Rip Snap

Scream Rip Snap

Scream Rip Snap

Damnit just stop. This week felt like an eternity. Maybe it was, food was never brought, the door never opened, there wasn't any light signaling day or night. I suppose I'd starve if it was any longer than a week. I don't think I got much sleep, if any, maybe I wasn't awake at all? Or maybe I was half asleep the entire time? All I know is that when that door opened, and light shined through I realized my mind was lost in memories about the happy times in the forest, memories about Harlequin and Elaine, everyone else too. I suddenly got very angry about him breaking this dream like state.

"C'mon." A guy walks in, someone I haven't seen yet. "Time to get you cleaned up for tonight." He grabs the rope around my arms, dragging me behind him. He drags me into a semi clean looking room that has a tub in the middle of it. "Don't be an idiot." He says this as he forces me to look into his greedy eyes before he starts undoing the ropes. 'Don't be an idiot?' I suppose he means trying to leave, I don't know how to take that clip off, nor do I know how many people are here, of course I'm not stupid enough to run. However, as he undresses me, I want to, I want to kill him, kill everyone here, not just kill them, I want to rip a river down their backs until their screaming out in pain. He forces me into the tub before tossing my clothes to a woman whom I didn't realize was there before. I think she begins washing them but before I can really tell water is dumped over my head.

"Are you guys planning on starving me to death?" I turn my head towards him with a glare.

"If you want food than you better hope whoever buys you is nice enough to give it to you." He says as he pours soap into my hair, it smells like honey.

"Suppose the same goes for if I'm going to die soon."

"Yep. If the buyer want's you dead, you'll die, that's the end of that." I sigh listening to his words.

After he finishes drying me and my clothes off, he ties my hands behind me, along with putting a fresh gag in my mouth to keep me from speaking. He takes me through the halls and into this large room filled with merchandise. My gaze fixates on three pairs of fairy wings, this heavily pisses me off, I recognize them. Scream Rip Snap. That stupid sound, the stupid humans. I was probably standing there for hours, the last pair of wings are sent, I can hear them betting on them.

"500? Going once...Going twice...SOLD TO THE GUY WITH BRAIDED RED HAIR!" The auctioneer's voice is annoying and strained from yelling for hours. "This next prize is twice or no three times better than just fairy wings." A guy walks over to me grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the side of the curtain, well guess it's my turn now. "This is a one of a kind, seeing as it's the only one we have!" As I walk onto the stage I'm shocked by the number of humans here, there must be hundreds. All of them seem to be both shocked and excited by me. "Starting bids at-"

"30." A somewhat young-looking man with an Irish accent says cutting of the auctioneer. 30? I know fairy wings are with a lot and if the last one was sold for 500 then 30 must be insane.

"Huh?" The auctioneer seems just as shocked as I am along with just about everyone in the crowd.

"You heard me, I'll take him for 30." He stands up, making it known he really is being serious.

"30 sure is a lot are you sure you can actually keep that? You don't look like a royal."

"I said what I said, do you want it or not?" His voice and expression are serious, and nobody seems to want to outbid him.

"Al-alright, 30 going once! Going twice! And sold to the cocky-ass guy!" A smirk goes across the guy's face as he sits back down, obviously happy with himself. Whatever this guy's plaining I'm not sure I'm going to be happy about it. 

Helbram's Prince (MaleReaderxHelbram)Where stories live. Discover now