Chapter 3: Breakfast...Finally

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I wake up to the sound of a door opening, or I suppose I woke up, maybe it just pulled me out of my head again. I can hear the footsteps get closer before a hand reaches up and shakes the sleeping idiot beside me.

"Mermm." He mumbles. He grabs onto my shirt while burying his head into my chest.

"C'mon, it's time to get up." Noah sighs.

"I don't want to..." The boy mumbles. "So warm..."

"Yeah, I bet he is, now c'mon get dressed, breakfast is almost ready."

"...He...?" The boy sits up and stares blankly at me, his face instantly turns red. For just waking up his voice is strangely soft.

"Yes, this is one of your presents today." Noah says. Present? I'm a gift to this kid, that's right. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Present? Oh, today is..." The mumbles.

"Mhm, now get up and dressed." Noah says as he leaves the room. Noah looks a lot more like a prince today or maybe even dressed like a human king, so this is some kind of kingdom.

"Uh, uhm..." The boy looks away from me, seemingly not knowing what to do or say. "M-my name is Y/n..." He looks back at me waiting for a name. When he doesn't get one and I just keep glaring at him he quickly glances around the room before getting off the bed. It's freezing in here; I don't really want to get up but I'm starving so I kinda have to. I move over to the ladder and sit on the edge of it. I can't use my wings or my arms, this really isn't fair.

I let out a very audible sigh that causes Y/n to turn his head towards me.

"Do you need help getting down?" His face looks like he's concerned, or he cares but his eyes, they look like they couldn't care less. I sigh again and get down by myself, I'd rather not be helped with such a senseless task. He shakes his head and goes back to picking out his clothes. I need to get my hands untied, along with my wings unclipped or whatever they did. If these two are royals, then the idea they most likely have for me is being their servant. Great, slaved to a weak fragile human.

"Undo my hands." I command finally getting too annoyed by it. Not to mention a part of me is curious on how this now confused looking boy will react to a command instead of a request. That look in his eyes, it's suddenly very dull.

"My brother forced you to sleep with your hands tied behind your back?" He asks as he walked over to do as commanded. I don't answer his question, the answer seems very obvious. "...Wings...?" He mutters. Great, did he just now realize this? He unties my hands and I rub my wrist looking at the rope burns on them. "Are you a fairy?" I turn my head to him, his eyes are fixated on my wings.

"Did the ears and wings not give that away?" I sarcastically ask.

"Ears...?" He mumbles looking to my face. He missed that? So, he isn't the smartest out there, maybe tricking him won't be as hard as I thought. He reaches forward, I suppose to touch my ears, but I grab his wrist stopping him.

"Don't touch me."

"I am sorry, I've never seen ears like that before..." He bows his head slightly as he apologizes, isn't that a sign or respect? Or maybe some kind of empathy, it's been so long since I've seen or done that, I don't remember. "Would you like something else to wear?"

"No, the fairy king gave me this." I glare at him as I say that, change? Why?

"Oh, I see." He turns his head towards a door that I hadn't noticed before. "I'm going to go change, you should wait here." He says as he enters that door.

"Should...?" I mutter. I look around the room. No mirrors, a desk under his bed, a corner bookshelf, a dresser, how boring. I wait for him to come out and when he does, once again, just like Noah, he's dressed like a prince.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" He asks, I shake my head. "Okay, let's go to breakfast before my brother gets too impatient." We walk out into the hallway, and I just follow him. He seems very strange, I don't trust his personality, it seems fake.

"My name is Helbram."

"Okay." He stops walking and turns around to face me before bowing his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sir Helbram."

"...Sir...?" I mutter, shocked by his formality towards me. He quickly lifts his head up with a sort of worried expression.

"Was that not, okay? I am sorry-"

"I don't have anything against it, but I have no title to require that."

"But, you said the fairy king made that outfit for you, does that not mean you're some kind of noble?"

"Noble? I suppose you think fairies have the same costumes' as you humans."

"Do you not?"

"No, we have one ruler, the Fairy King he rules over the entire race unlike humans who have several human kings. Are king isn't chosen by us either. We don't have nobles or anything stupid like that, we're all fairy's and that's all that matters. I just so happened to be his best friend which is why he made it for me." I explain as I cross my arms.

"Oh." He looks away from me. "I see, my apologies." He turns around and continues walking.

Once we reach the dining room Noah is already sitting down.

"Good morning, big bro- Noah- Sir Noah." Y/n politely sits down, I sit beside him not really caring to much about their formality bullshit.

"Good morning, Y/n, did you sleep well?" Noah asks.

"Yes sir, did you?"

"I did, how are you enjoying your present?" Noah asks, I instantly cross my arms and glare at him. "I see you trust him enough to untie his hands."

"Yes sir, thank you very much for him." His voice sounds shaky now. There's a moment of silence, that's broken by servants bringing food in. "Thank you, Lilith, this looks amazing." Y/n thanks the servant who placed his food.

"Of course, and how is the young lord this morning?" She asks, she has very light hair, almost looks like a druids.

"I am doing wonderful, thank you for asking." He smiles at her, she goes to say something else but gets interrupted by Noah clearing his throat. She nods her head with a smile, and they all leave the room.

"I trust you're fine with this Helbram." Noah says, I look over to my plate of food which is just a bunch of fruits. I nod my head. "Good, now eat up!" They both nod and start eating, I follow along.

"...This is amazing..." I mutter. Maybe it's just because of how hungry I've been, but these fruits taste twice as good as they normally do.

"I'm glad you like it si- Helbram." Y/n smiles at me.

"Well, Y/n, you're finally old enough to drink with me, how about it? Wanna try some ale?" Noah holds out a cup filled with what's probably ligure.

"I- oh uhm..." Y/n seems very uncomfortable with the idea. "This early in the day? Won't that hinder my responsibilities for the day?"

"Very well." Noah sighs as he drinks from the cup, Y/n instantly seems uneasy, as if something is really wrong. "By the way, since it's your birthday I've decided to cancel all your task for today, you're free to do as you please."

"Thank you, brother." Y/n nods before looking over to my empty plate. "I'm starting to feel full, may we be excused?" He asks, Noah waves his hand saying go ahead. "Thank you for the meal. Let's go Helbram." He grabs my hand almost pulling me away from the table. 

Helbram's Prince (MaleReaderxHelbram)Where stories live. Discover now